10 months

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It is now the 10 months until the Entrance Exam for UA University, and Izuku is planning on going to become a student there, since no one knows what he truly looks like. Meanwhile in society, everyone knows about the deal that happened and there is a split.

A minority want Magus to be arrested and stop doing all the hero's works, however the majority want Magus to continue what he's doing and become a legal hero. This debate both in the HPSC (Hero Public Safety Commission) will be happening for a few months, to try and determine whether he should be a hero or not.

Magus has also gained the title "The Legal Vigilante" for having become the only Vigilante to become properly allied with the Heroes and Police. For now though, Izuku is patrolling at night with Eraserhead and answering his questions with some degree of truth depending on the questions.

"How old are you Magus?" Eraserhead asks, with the snarky response from Magus being "Anywhere between the ages of being an adult and being a walking skeleton." Unaware he just roasted All Might unintentionally. At this moment, Toshinori sneezes, yet presumes he just needed to sneeze.

Back to them, they see someone on the edge of the building, just standing there contemplating. Magus, knowing what to do, heads over after telling Eraserhead to wait close by. As he gets close, he sees them clearer and notices certain features on them clearer.

This is the information broker that Magus made a deal through to Kagero Okuta with. The deal is simple, information about villains in general, in return, Magus deals with certain competition they or their clients are in trouble with, providing they go against Magus' terms as well. This time however, the information broker is planning on leading Magus to their boss since it's high time those 2 met face to face, rather than a middle man between them both.

Why the middle man? Magus appears everywhere in Japan, so he can't really be tracked down to a specific place. Meanwhile the unofficial head honcho of almost all info brokers is a difficult man to find and keep track off. And so, the middle man plan was utilized, one middle man per city so that whichever city Magus is in, He can have a source of information accessible no matter where he is.

"Hello there [Random Broker Name], what have you come to tell me this time?" Magus asks, getting Eraser's attention about why he asked that question. "Oh nothing much, it's just about how it's time for you to officially meet the unofficial head of us info brokers." [RBN] states, getting Magus attention fully, as well as slightly shocking Eraserhead about the info broker part.

Magus replies to the statement "Are you going to lead me there, or do I have to be in a specific spot to meet him at a certain time?" while mentally glad that he's finally able to meet the one person he wanted to meet for a while now. Eraser is still shocked about how his companion is just casually talking with someone from the underground.

"Oh, he agreed on letting you pick. However only you can head there, any heroes and it gets called off." [RBN] says, getting Eraserhead anxious, since Magus will be heading by himself (well, at least who he assumes to be male) into a potential trap.

Magus goes into his thinking pose for a little bit, meanwhile he's talking with tonight's heroic spirit companions. 'What do you guys suggest? I'm thinking a different part of the forest to where our place is.' 'sure/do what you want/ that's acceptable master.' Is what they respond with to Izuku.

"Tell him to meet at [Forest name] at 10 at night." Magus says to the Info Broker. Eraserhead, still there, hears the forest name and decides to go there just in case it is a trap for Magus, unaware that Magus has some backup for if the situation goes sour.

And so, the evening continued on as normal, the only major thing that happened aside from the crimes was Aizawa asking how he knows the unofficial head of all Info Brokers. All he was told, was that they are the only person he can't keep track off.

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