Chapter 29: The final exam

Start from the beginning

"Hello Y/n." He told you with his usual smile of his face.

"Hi Mr. Williams."

"Are you ready?" He asked before handing you the papers.

"I don't know..." You laughed awkwardly.

"What?" He suddenly took the papers back. "Come on, where is the confident girl that I know?"


"No excuses. You're going to ace this." He winked at your and finally handed your the papers.

You took a deep breath and then sat down on your seat. For the next three hours you sat there and wrote everything that you knew on that piece of paper.

When you came out of that classroom you were more confident than when you had entered it. You ran straight into Loki's arms who was waiting anxiously with the others right outside.

"So?" Steve asked you.

"I think I did great." You said with a huge smile.

"Well done kid! I knew you could do it." Tony said and hugged you.

You were really excited and relieved. It was finally done and you actually beloved you did good. Now in and hour or so you were going to find out how you had done. Thank Gods that Mr. Williams liked you and had agreed to grade your paper right after you were done.

Some might think that the next hour would be excruciating but it really wasn't. You were not feeling anxious at all. This was one of the things you liked most about you. You would get really nervous before any big test but the moment you gave your paper back the anxiety was over.

So, while most of your classmates spend the next days after their exams worrying weather they had passed or not, you were in your calmest. You never understood what the point of worrying after the exam was anyway. Worrying after wouldn't help you in any way.

"Well do you want to call Laura, tell her how you did?" Tony offered.

"No." You declined immediately. "I definitely don't want to do that."

"What do you mean?" Loki wondered.

"Darling, Laura is the most anxious person that I know. I don't want her being worried for the next hour."

"Okay then kid." Tony laughed and shook his head.

"Okay so, there is great café on campus. We can go and wait there. Mr. Williams said he'd call me once the results were out."

And so you did. You spent the rest of the time inside the café talking and laughing with your family. Some of the students there, and even the girl behind the counter, recognised a few of you. Some of them stopped by your table and asked for an autograph either from Tony or Steve. After a while the two of them started competing over who would get to give the most autographs. But in the end most of the girls came to take a picture with Bucky.

"What can I say," He told you. "I have a way with the ladies."

"Dude you're like a hundred years old. That's a felony." Clint pointed out and you all laughed.

The next hour passed by quite quickly and very fun. And, around noon you all returned to the building where you had taken your exam and waited there. Mr. Williams had texted you that he would be ready in about fifteen minutes so you all decided it was best you go early. As you stood outside the building you could suddenly feel a bit anxious but it all went away as soon as you saw Mr. Williams walk out the door with a big smile on his lips.

"Congratulations, Y/n." He told you with a hug. "You got the best grade in my class."

"Really?" You sounded surprise, which you were.

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