"I'm fine Mr. Jeon. He said you wanted to see me, may I ask what can I help you with?" She speaks with all respects

"What's with all this formalities and honorifics? You can call me uncle or better yet appa is fine"

"But Mr. Jeon... "

"I know you have your dad but you better get use to call me dad too" he insists

"It's not what I meant Mr. Jeon.....  "

"Let's go to your mom before she breathes fire and toast me. Up we'll go" he said to them cutting her off

She got even more shy and walked behind JK, she holds onto Joelle and Nat arms while getting inside the lift

"Dad, we need to do our practicals, we are just dropping by because you said you need me here"

"What's with the hurry? You're not visiting us on weekends" he scolds

"I visit every weekend but mom always hits me with her pan scolding me, she even kicked me out one time when I told her I'm not with Taehyung anymore" he scratch his nape even if it's not itchy

"She did? That's why you're not visiting us but she told me you're being lazy and didn't do what she's been telling you, I told you to always listen to your mom, she's blaming me with your fault and what did you just say? You're not together anymore? With Taehyung?!" He frown and clicked his tongue. His disappointment can be seen on his face

Taehyung is in the middle of two girls that are walking behind them

"Why I didn't know about this?! Since when?!" He asks glancing at Taehyung that been looking down didn't know what to say. She's not sure if the question is for her to answer

"Dad, do we really have to talk about this in here? I'm with my friends" he whispered shyly

"Sorry, I'm being comfortable with you all. Don't mind me" he looks at his friends but frowns glaring at his son

"We need to talk young man!"

The door of the lift opens and few more steps they reach his office, walks inside a wide room with a not so old beautiful looking lady sitting in the couch waiting for them

"Took you long enough to get them?" Mrs. Jeon greet her husband with a frown but smiles instantly seeing his friends and Taehyung

"Come and eat! The food is getting cold, Tae come with me.. JK prepare her food. Hurry up!" She commands like a queen to his peasant

"Mrs. Jeon, I can get it myself don't worry, just have a talk with him. I'll be with our friends" she insists but Mrs. Jeon wouldn't allow it, she firmly hold her hands dragging her to the couch to sit with her

"Let him prepared it for you.. you always takes care of him.."

"But I thought you need to talk to him ma'am" she reason out just to get away of her hold

"He told me what happened between you too and ask for my help, we need your statement so we can file this law suit and punish that girl who bullied you" Mrs. Jeon squeeze her hand comforting her

"What law suit ma'am I don't want to complain anybody" she got worried. She don't want to punish anybody in her part

"Don't worry you don't need to attend any hearing or whatsoever. Me and Jungkook decided to file a complain about this girl Ria. She's the one, right? You suffer too much because of her. It's just right to punish her because if we stay silent and ignore what she's doing, she will do it again to anyone" she explains further to convince her to make the needed statement

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