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"Yes" uncle austin
Cassie replied with a happy voice

screamed austin and eugene.

"Thank you so much guys, you know I wouldn't have come to this point if not for all of you."
   "So thank you all."
Cassie said holding her grandpa's hands

"You are welcome, dear"
Said Erika.

Cassie said smiling

"So what?"
Erika asked curiously

"What's my gift?"
Cassie finally spilled out

"Ahhh meats"
Shouted austin

"Yes, thanks"
"Butttt, don't you think it's a little bit weird?"
She asked advertising her dimples

".....or do you prefer some cakes?"
Asked eugene

"Thank you so much for all your ideas,
But i think mother already knows what I want!"
Looking at Erika.

"And what could that be?"
Erika replied and asked

"A new pair of shoes remember!"
"Don't tell me you've forgotten?"
Cassie frown and continued

"But you told me that if I made it to be the first honour student today you would get me a gift."
"So I think I'm of right to choose what i want."
"And I choose a new pair of shoes."

"But," Erika began and asked
"Don't you think you already have enough shoes?"

"No, I don't!"
Cassie said

"Okay, fine"
"I give up."
   " I'll get you a new pair of shoes"
Erika concluded

"Thank you so much, mother
You're the best"
She screamed it out and said
"I love you mother"

"I love you more Cassie"
Said Erika as she engulfed her in a tight hug

"And don't forget from memorada shoes, Manila."
Cassie said

"Okay, I've heard"
Erika said and smiled.

"Let's go now," said austin
"I already bought the meats"
They all laughed at they went home.

Emily began scolding
"I just can't believe you"

"Nicole for goodness sake, I expected better from you and you know that!"

"I'm sorry mom,"
Nicole said crying

"Honey," Philip said
"You have to calm down"
Emily replied him and said

"I'm already calm infact this is the calmest I can be."

So she continued scolding Nicole until she got a call from her mom, Tessa.

"Hello mom"
said Emily
"sorry, I almost forgot
We're on our way."

"Okay sure, I thought you wouldn't come"
Tessa said

"I wouldn't miss your birthday for the world."
"Greet dad and tell him not to worry, we're coming"
"We just got back from nichole's recognition."
Emily finally said.

"So what honour has my grand child?"

"Bye Mom"
"And happy birthday"
She (Emily) hanged up immediately, pretending she didn't hear the question.

She said
"I think we're late."

So she called Cynthia (nicolet's nanny) to help Nicole get dressed.

While Emily and Philip went to their room to get changed.

"Why are you so slow?"

I hope you are enjoying this?
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You are so free to correct any mistakes
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I'm still your gal

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