Raine Ch 19

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     Eddie lays snoring on my chest. It's 4 am and I can't sleep. I feel like taking a walk, but I know if I move, he will for sure wake up.  I reach over on the nightstand next to our bed and grab my ear buds. I decide to quietly listen to music and maybe I'll be able to fall asleep.

     I scroll through my "bedtime" playlist and can't settle on a song, so I choose shuffle. The first song to come on is "Give into Me" by Garrett Hedlund and Leighton Messer. I gently run my fingers through Eddie's hair while thinking the lyrics in my head. 

     I'm gonna wear you down. I'm gonna make you see. I'm gonna get to you, you're gonna give into me.... I'm gonna start a fire. You're gonna feel the heat. I'm gonna burn for you, you're gonna melt for me. 

     I feel Eddie shifting on top of me, but he still doesn't wake up. I take my other hand and start rubbing his shoulder softly. 

     My heart is set on you. I don't want no one else. And if you don't want me, I guess I'll be all by myself. Come on, come on. Into my arms. Come on. Come on. Give into me...

I can't help but look down at him when that part of the song comes on. It's exactly how I feel. If he left me, I would literally never love anyone else. This beautiful, doe eyed, soft-hearted man has completely taken over my entire being. This is the type of love you read about in books. 

     I lay there and listen to a couple more songs, but still don't feel any way tired. I decide to try and wiggle my way out from under Eddie, and it works pretty easily. He does move and groan a little but goes right back to sleep. 

     I throw on his black leather jacket and my shoes and quietly head out, making sure not to close the door too loudly behind me. Outside, it's quite chilly, but manageable. I walk down the dark street to the gas station. Once in, I buy myself a pack of Camel Crush Menthol cigarettes and a lighter. 

     It's been a while since I have smoked, but I can't help myself. My nerves need this to calm down from all of the traumatic events that's happened this past week. As soon as i get outside of the gas station, I open the pack and light one. 

     The first inhale burned like fire, but after that it was refreshing to me. I get back to the hotel and spot a bench by a tree. I go over and sit and continue smoking my cigarette. While smoking, I think about Eddie. 

     Of course I think about him. I can't stop thinking about him. He takes up every inch of me. I smile thinking about how if he saw me smoking, he'd probably freak out but be excited at the same time because we'd share something else in common.

     Eddie hasn't really been up front about smoking, but I've grown accustomed to smelling it on him and his clothes. Really, it was part of the scent I found attractive on him. He always smells of Men's Adidas cologne mixed with a cigarette smell. 

     I always feel like his scent gives me a feeling of home. I didn't really get to have a good homelife, but I do remember the happiest times of my life were when my dad was there, and he always smelled of cigarette smoke and cologne. 

     My dad. A thought that didn't usually bug my mind. But for some reason, it was hitting me now. Seeing him at the hospital made me wish things were different. He wasn't too bad of a dad whenever he actually tried. Then, another thought hits me. What did he mean when he said mom wasn't telling me everything?

     Mom wouldn't hide things from me. She never has. She has always been up front with me, and we always talk through everything. Would she hide something from me? I shake my head and push that thought out of my mind. Maybe, this was his way of trying to get to me. I finish my cigarette and decide to head back up. 

     When I reach our room, I open the door to find Eddie still snoozing away. I must've really worn him out. I chuckle quietly to myself and go into the bathroom to wash my hands. I never liked the after smell of cigarettes on my hands. 

     Once I come out of the bathroom, I take Eddie's jacket off and place it on the chair. I close the blinds on our patio doors and climb back into bed. As soon as my weight hits the bed, Eddie moves over and wraps his arm around my side. He was so warm. I felt my eyes becoming heavy and I quickly nod off to sleep.

     The sun shining through the patio doors woke me up and pissed me off. "Ughhh." I groan and roll over. I reach my hand over to feel Eddie and open my eyes when all I find is an empty bed. 'What the?" I say before hearing him cough. 

     I roll back over to look at the dreaded patio doors to see him sitting outside, smoking one of my cigarettes. I lay my head down so he doesn't notice that I am awake and watch him intently. 

     He watches the traffic and moves the cigarette up to his lips, takes a puff, holds it in and then releases it. My inner girl is screaming at how sexy he is making smoking look. I smile just watching him. 

     Once he flicks the cigarette butt over the balcony, he stretches his arms over his head and goes to head back in. I close my eyes, so he doesn't catch me awake and I feel the bed shift from his weight. 

     I decide to mess with him a little. I pretend to talk in my sleep, to see what reaction I can get out of him. "Mommmmmmm, I gotta goo." I say, a little slurred so he can't tell I'm awake. 

     "Eddie is going to be here soon. I can't be late...." I slur again, trying not to laugh. I feel him lean over me, listening. His breathing is directly above my left ear, and it almost causes me to break character. 

     "Where's my dress?" I say, more slurred and I can feel him giggle. "My wedding...gonna be late." I say, waiting for his reaction to be freaking out. As I go to say something else, I hear him mumble. 

     "Wedding?" He laughs to himself. "Did she go through my jacket?" he asks himself and then he gets up. 

     Wait, I think to myself. What does he mean did I go through his jacket? What does a wedding and his jacket have in common? I'm lying there trying to piece what the hell I just did together, when it hits me. 

     Does Eddie have an engagement ring in his jacket, for me? My eyes pop open to see Eddie standing by the patio doors, smiling and staring directly at me. "Oh, shit." I say, looking up at him and he gives me a wink. 

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