Eddie CH 14

130 5 2

     After Raine closes the bathroom door and I hear it lock, I decide to give her some space. I step outside and take off walking around the court. As I turn the first corner, I hear someone holler. "Hey Munson!" is all I hear. I turn around to see my cousin Leanne, waving me over. 

      I walk over to her car, where her and her boyfriend Shay are standing. "Munson! Haven't seen you in a minute!" Leanne comes over and gives me a hug. She knows I'm not really the touchy type, except with Raine, but she doesn't even know about her. She gives me a quick side hug and backs up. "Dude, where have you been hiding at?" Shay speaks up. "Oh, just here and there" is all I say. These aren't the type of people I want Raine around. 

     They both do hardcore drugs and they like trying to push other people to do them. Luckily, they never persuaded me to jump on their bandwagon. Raine would never be with someone who did those things. "Hey Munson, could you do us a favor?" Leanne breaks me out of my thoughts. "What's up?" I ask her, not really wanting to know or do anything for them. 

     "Could you possibly ride with me to the liquor store really quick? You look old enough and the old lady won't card you. We want to get a bottle of Jack to celebrate our night." Leanne looks at Shay and smiles. "Shit, Leanne, I'm kind of busy tonight." i tell her trying to get out of it. "Busy with what? You got a hot date?" she jokingly says. "No, but I do have my own things to do." I spit at her. "Come on, it won't take but 10 minutes." She begs me. 

     I don't really want to go, but I know that gives Raine her space and she should be done when I get back. I wonder if I should go tell her what I'm doing but decide to just let her have her peace and hop in Leanne's car. After a long ass make out session between her and Shay, she hops in, and we take off. 

     I'm beyond pissed after we leave the liquor store. Leanne made at least 4 extra stops before even heading back to the trailer with the same excuse, "Oh shit, I forgot I have to stop here really quick." I almost get out and start walking back home at her last stop. She gets in and says "Okay, back to the court now for real." 

     As soon as we pull in the trailer court, I see another car pulling out. When we pass it, I happen to look in the passenger seat and see Raine. "What the fuck? LEANNE, STOP THIS FUCKING CAR!" i shout at her. She hits her brakes and I jump out. "Hey! Raine!" I holler but it is too late. I get in Leanne's car and tell her to take me to my trailer now. 

     When I get there, I look for a note or a clue as to where that fucker was taking Raine. I don't know who he was, but I had seen his face in the court quite often. He was a jockey/preppy looking asshole. Why the hell would Raine be in his fucking car? I think back to seeing her. She glanced my way and then looked down. Her face was blotchy like she had been crying. I can feel anger rising in my stomach. If that fucking dick touched her, I would kill him. 

     I run back outside to see if Leanne is still here. She is and I tell her I need her to do me a favor now. I tell her Raine's address, praying that's where she went. I know she has to be thinking the worst of me too, because if I saw the prick driving her, she had to of seen Leanne, and I almost guarantee she thinks something has happened. 

    When we hit her street, I don't see the car they were in. But I see a light on upstairs. Please be here, I think to myself. I know her mom is gone, so it has to be her. I jump out of the car and rush up her steps. I put my ear to the door and hear a loud sound, almost like a glass breaking. I knock and no answer. So, I knock louder and harder. Finally, I can hear footsteps. I am ready to kill someone if they laid a finger on her. She opens the door and I look down to see her hand dripping blood and I can feel my anger about to explode. 

Forever Eddie's Girl // Eddie Munson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now