Raine Ch 11

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     Last night was a pretty miserable night for me. After my long talk with Eddie about our pasts, he made me something to eat and then we turned in for the night. He fell asleep almost immediately, but I could do nothing but toss and turn.

     My head was pounding half the night and I felt dizzy every time I closed my eyes. Finally, around 1 in the morning, I decided to get up and run myself a hot bath. I quietly grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of Eddie's boxers to wear after my bath and left his room, trying not to wake him. 

      The hot bath soothed my migraine somewhat and I felt a lot better after getting to wash the blood and hospital smells out of my hair and off of my skin. For a while, I just laid back and relaxed. The water started getting cold and I knew it was probably going on 3 am by now, so I got out and got dressed. When I opened the bathroom door, I decided to go hang out on the couch and let Eddie get sleep. I sat down and looked around. There were at least 50 hats hanging all along the top of the living room walls. I wondered if they were Eddie's or his uncles because I had never seen Eddie wearing a ball cap. At least not yet anyways. 

     I lay down on the couch and close my eyes. I can't sleep so I put in my headphones and open up my top 10 playlist. I hit shuffle and the first song to come on is "When you love a Woman" by Journey. This song used to be just that to me. A song. But now, the lyrics hold deeper meanings to me that cause me to tear up. I open my eyes and try to calm down. Crying has never really been something I did but yet, I've never cried so much like I have this past week of knowing and being with Eddie. 

     "It's enough to make you cry. When you see "Him" walking by." I automatically change the words in my head from she to he because of Eddie. "When you love a man, you see your world inside his eyes. When you love a man, you know he's standing by your side." Journey sure knew what they were saying. Who knew, my whole entire world could and does exists in the eyes of Eddie Munson. 

     After listening to multiple sappy songs about love, I decide to just turn the music off and lay in the silence. I must've ended up dosing off because when I open my eyes again, the sun is shining and Eddie is sitting at the other end of the couch, eating cereal out of the box. 

     "What time is it?" I say, rubbing my eyes. "9 am." he responds. "Why did you sleep out here on the couch? Was I snoring again?" he looks at me. "No, I had a migraine and ended up coming out and taking a bath. After my bath, I wasn't really tired, so I came out here to let you sleep. Apparently, I must've been tired because the last thing I remember was laying here just listening to the silence." I tell him. "How's your head now? And nice clothes. They look sort of familiar." he gives me a sly smile. "Yeah btw, I borrowed your clothes. Again." I say. 

     "Borrow em anytime ya want. They look better on you anyways." He winks at me. I wish I knew how well my body could hold up. I really just needed to be with him again. I decide to push past that thought for right now. Maybe we could revisit it tonight. I must've been thinking out loud because he sits the cereal box down and looks at me. 

     "So.... I was thinking I could take you somewhere today. If you feel up to it." He says. "I want to take you somewhere that holds quite a bit of meaning to me. It's a quiet spot, and no one knows about it other than me. I found it a few years ago, and whenever I'm upset or stuck in my head, I go there to clear my mind." he smiles at me. "I was thinking maybe it would make you feel better too." I nod at him. 

     I need to clear my head. I want to feel better. I want to be able to enjoy my next few days being with him while my mom is gone. So if he thinks this place will help me, I'm down for anything. "Awesome! I'm going to go take a quick shower and then pack a bag for our trip." I'll be ready in 20 minutes if you want to get dressed and eat something. But feel more than free to wear what you have on. I really don't mind." He looks me up and down, biting his lower lip. 

     "You best go get in that shower before I drag you back to bed." I tease him. "Yes ma'am." he smiles and heads towards the bathroom. "If you need me for anything, doors unlocked and I'm naked!" he hollers as he disappears into the bathroom. 

     I can't help but smile. Even when I am feeling like total hell, this man still finds a way to make me want him in every way possible. I decide to head to his room to get dressed before I take him up on his offer. I need to wait till later to be 100% sure I can handle sex. When I get to the bathroom, what I hear stops me in my tracks. 

     I can hear Eddie singing in the shower. And he's really good. Better than good. His voice is amazing. But that isn't what stopped me. It's what he was singing that made my feet stop in their tracks. I creak open the door just enough to hear him better but quiet enough he doesn't hear me. That's when I hear him clearly. 

     "You. Your sex is on fire. Consumed with what's just happened. With what's just transpired." His voice sends chills down my entire body. "Hot as a feverrrr. Rattling bones. I could just taste it. Chased it." My god. I open the door and walk in. He stops singing when he hears me. I slide the glass door open and just stare at him. 

     "Everything okay baby girl?" he asks me. I just stand there gawking at him. ".... You like what you see?" he teases. I finally break my trance. "When were you gonna tell me you can sing?" I look at him. He smiles and looks down. "Nah, I just enjoy singing songs I like. My talent is my sweet, sweet guitar skills." He laughs. "You're the singer here, not me." Still somewhat in my mind about his voice and him alone, I close the shower door back. "I'm going to go get dressed now. Sorry, I just didn't expect you to sound so fucking good." I say as I close the bathroom door. I can hear him laugh. 

     Finally, after Eddie's done showering and packing, we get in his van and head out. "It's about a 20-minute drive, so if you want you can sit back and relax." he says while grabbing my thigh and squeezing. My insides are doing a flip with the feelings he's sending up and down my entire legs. "There's several things I want to do right now, and relaxing is definitely not in my top 5." I tell him. I want to push my limits truthfully. It's not like I broke anything down there. Just have a minor head injury. And the doctor never said I couldn't be sexually active, so I say fuck it, let's see how far he'll let me go. 

     I place my hand on his inner thigh and squeeze. He lets out a low growl and shifts in his seat. "Something wrong?" I tease him and move my hand a little higher. He groans a little louder this time. "Oh no, nothing's wrong." He says through his gritted teeth. "Just you being the little teaser that you are." He winks at me. I move my hand again. He moves his head back just slightly. I can tell I'm making him want to pull this van over.

     "Raine.... I don't know if we can...you know. Because of your head." He sighs. "I don't recall the doctor saying I had to abstain from sexual activities, Mr. Munson. My paperwork didn't have any restrictions other than getting up and down slowly for the next day or two." I bite my lower lip. He looks over at me and watches my mouth. "Need me to get that for you Mr Munson?" I tease him. "Get what?" he asks confused. "That drool that's coming out of your mouth." I wink at him. 

     Before I know it, we are turning onto a gravel road. We stop about 3 minutes down it and he put the van in park. "You really are going to cause us not to at least make it to my spot before undressing me, huh?" He nudges my arm and grins. "Was this your plan all along?" I say more seductively than I thought. Eddie's eyes are going up and down my whole body. I run my tongue along my bottom lip, trying to push his over his limit. Praying he will pull me over onto his lap and fucks me right here in his van. He did say we would eventually, so why not now? 

     "I swear on all things Raine, you know exactly how to make me fucking want you. Watching your tongue move on your lips is enough to make me want to pull you in the back of this van." I can hear his breathing picking up while he's talking. I succeeded in what I wanted to do. I turned him on and made him want me as much as I wanted him. Right here, right now. But this time, we are going to take it slow. I'm not rushing it this time around. I want to be in this moment of ecstasy and passion for as humanly long possible. Before I have time to say anything, Eddie's pulling me over onto his lap and he starts taking his jacket off. 

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