Eddie Ch 6

190 5 2

     Five more minutes. That damn bell needs to hurry up. Second period can't come fast enough. I want to see my girl. I need to see her. She's the main reason I'm even here to begin with. Most days, I spent my time skipping class and smoking weed at my picnic table. But I felt something change since meeting Raine. I want to do good for her. I want to graduate. I want her to feel proud of her boyfriend. Whoa, boyfriend. Never thought that label would ever attach itself to me. 

     One minute before the bell is about to ring. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Gabby Paris staring at me. "Hey Munson, what's going on with you and the new chick?" she asks. I can't help but give her a pissy look. It's none of her fucking business, that's what. "Why? It's not your fucking business, so why do you want to know?" I growl. 

     She rolls her eyes. "Because, dick, you seem different. I saw you go out to her in the hallway a little bit ago. I thought no one at Hawkins High was good enough for the infamous Eddie Munson." Infamous? What the fuck does that even mean? She was right though. No girl had ever so much caused me to look twice. I was never interested in being with anyone. Shit, in my head I figured I'd be a lonely guy for the entirety of my life, only hooking up with random chicks and then sending them on their way. Thank fucking God Raine changed that. 

     "For your information Gabby, Raine didn't catch my eye. I caught hers. But when I did finally notice her, I wanted her. Satisfied?" I roll my eyes and turn around. 30 more seconds and I could see her again. Please time, hurry the fuck up. 

     "Well maybe if you weren't such a prick all of the time, you would've caught my eye too." I feel her burning a hole into the back of my head. Did she just try to hit on me? Gross. I may not really have a type, but Gabby definitely came nowhere close to someone I'd want. She was a cheerleader and a preppy stuck up bitch. Never even really spoke two words to me before. Not that it mattered because I never gave her so much as a thought. 

     "You see Gabby, in order for me to catch your eye, I'd have to want that first. And believe me when I say I don't." I scoff back at her. Just then, the bell rings and I dart out of class. Fuck that bitch. She isn't about to get in the way of me and Raine. No one could. 

     As I'm basically running down the hallway, I see her. She's beaten me out of her class. Shit I was supposed to be here waiting on her. Promise number 1 broken. As I get up to her, I can tell her face is flushed and she looks upset. "Are you okay? Your face is flushed." I ask her. She tells me she's fine and she'll tell me everything at lunch and that Max was her witness. Oh god, this is gonna be good if she has a witness. 

      I playfully tease her by telling her she is stuck with me for the next 45 minutes and she responds by saying I'm stuck with her for the next few days. I'm not sure what she means by that, so I decide to ask her. Before I can even say anything, she tells me again "Lunch, I'll explain it." She smiles at me and grabs my hand. She entangles her fingers with mine and we head to band. 

     "I should've known you were in band, miss Raine. Since you like watching me play my guitar." I give her a little nudge. "It's really just a filler class. I don't play an instrument. I just like to listen to everyone else play." She smiles and looks down. "However, since I voluntarily took this class, I had to play something." She laughs a little bit and heads to the instrument room. I watch her every move.

     Not ten seconds pass and she's coming out with drumsticks. "Don't you dare make fun of me Eddie." She rolls her eyes when she sees I'm smiling ear to ear. "Oh baby, I'm not laughing at you. I'm just amazed you chose drums. But then again, I could always use a drummer for my band." "I don't play professionally. Just enough to pass this class." She shoves my arm. "I do, however, like to sing if you ever need a backup singer. I don't suck too horribly. I mean at least I've never broken glass or anything like that." She looks at me with a shy grin. "You sing?" I can't help but to imagine her singing while I play my guitar. If Heaven is real, that would be it for me. "Yeah, just occasionally though. I won a talent show back home when I performed "If the World Was Ending" for my piece. Got a trophy and all." she says. I need to hear her sing. 

Forever Eddie's Girl // Eddie Munson FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon