I knocked on the door and he opened it motioning me inside.

"Sunoo said something about the weapons. . did you check them?"

"Yeah . . they're amazing and are kept safely in the King's vault to be used when necessary. . why are you here, I heard Prince Jake has arrived"

"He's here. . I already met him a while ago, Father assigned K to him so no worries about his safety. He's also with his little cousin by the way. I will let them enjoy first. . plus I have to leave soon anyway, I need to attend the assembly in London since my father cannot attend"

The assembly of the royals. This happens like before the end of every year to simply mingle with other royals and for others, to find their son/daughter a suitable spouse or for prince/princess to find a spouse. Unfortunately for me, I have to go to represent my family as my dad has to stay behind with the queen to prepare for MY wedding.

"Not to sound mean tho but, isn't it more important to spend the time here with your bride to be? Get to know each other, stuff like that. I think it is better than mingling with royals. Plus, you really should know Jake more. . you'll be married. ."

Jay is really someone I look up to besides my Father. He's so full of knowledge and skill that I think will suit a future king. He's been my shoulder to cry on ever since we were kids and he's always that someone who will be ready to get hit just so I could be spared.

Unfortunately, even with his rank, his looks and everything amazing about him, he seem to not have a plan to get married any time soon.

"Yeah, you have a point. . . I'll speak with Father about this and maybe to be part of the planning for my wedding. . thanks Jay"

"No problem. . . by the way, shall I spar with you? I have nothing to do"

"I'd love that but Nicholas sparred with me a while ago and I'm so exhausted. . ."

"Nice. . . it's good to see you getting better"

He stood up before he again took his sword and his uniform from where he placed them.

"You're going out again?"

"Yeah . . I can't stop. I need to make sure peace is in this kingdom"

"Thanks. ."

We left his room as he walks straight to the door and outside the palace to where he rode his motorcycle and took off.

Yes, we have cars and all but Jay prefers to ride motorcycles so he can still do some monitoring while going to where he will go. He can also ride a horse tho but the horses are resting in the stables. They will be for tomorrow's exhibition show for the people to take a glimpse of the military. Father said it is not really necessary but he wants the people to still know and see who is in charge of the security so next time, they know whom to approach and whom to not.

Of course, the uniforms are one of the main thing to see to seek for help but seeing them in their element gives the people the assurance that they are safe and in peace.

There are also tourists who watch alongside the people but for them, they need to pay. Why? Well, because they're not citizens here. That is for the people and they want to watch so they pay the price. It is also added to the funds of the military so they will be taken care of.

I am actually not seen by my own people for ten years. It is because for the past ten years, I decided to not show my identity to the people so I can always dress up as one of them and mingle with them like an ordinary citizen. With that, I can easily monitor the state of the kingdom. It is hard to always rely on the researchers and news reporters because they won't always show the whole picture.

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