"How did you know hyung?"

"Riki, my professor at the university won that contest in 1999. she's always telling us about the kingdom's tradition"

"Well, uhm, how can you get an invitation?"

"Well, it is either by sending the organizers some amazing baked goods and impress them, or someone recommended you"

"Well, what if I tell you that one of your costumers actually did recommend you?"


Riki suddenly handed me a very fancy envelope and if I say fancy, I know this cost at least a few hundred dollars. This envelope is screaming money. Can I sell this?

I glance at the kingdom's seal as Riki pulled me to the living room to have a better look at the envelope and the content.

I ripped the fancy seal as I look inside before I pulled out the biggest piece of expensive paper before reading the contents.

"Congratulations! You are invited to the kingdom of Zeviera on it's annual cake baking competition. You will be given five days to explore the kingdom before the day of the competition.

Upon arrival, you will be escorted by one of our staffs to your cabin where you will be staying for the whole duration of your visit. You will be provided with a place to stay complete with all the amenities you will need.

You are allowed to bring one assistant and another plus one of your choice. This baking competition is special this year and you are required to make a cake with a minimum of four layers and you will be judged according to the presentation, execution and taste.

The judging committee includes one member from the royal palace, one member from the royal kitchen and one member from the royal family.

The winner of the baking competition will be a awarded with a medal, trophy and a certificate , cash and a once in a lifetime opportunity to bake the cake for the ROYAL WEDDING of the Prince himself.

We wish you luck and enjoy!"

The two were cheering as I tried to process what I just read.

How on Earth did my small shop get noticed by someone from the organizers of this one of a kind event?

And how on Earth did I even got invited? I bake cakes but that's just it.

I place the paper on the table as Riki took it and began to read it again as if I missed some paragraphs.

I open the envelope as I saw three tickets I assume one of them with my name on it. How did they even knew my name? And the two were labeled as "GUEST" and "CONTESTANT". This looks like a pass, you know those backstage passes for concerts?

"Woah! It says bring a plus one! That's me right? Right?"

Riki sounded so excited as he gave me a side hug and he read it again.

"And we went to the airport to claim our plane tickets. You know how expensive it is to go there right?"

I look at Heeseung and he's holding out three, no six plane tickets, back and forth.

Is this for real?

I get to bake for royalties?!

And I could be competing with huge bakers who have set a huge foundation in this area.

"Heeseung I . . . it's so overwhelming . . I'd love to but . . the pressure is too much . . I can't  . . "

Riki immediately stopped cheering and it hurts me, he's so excited.

The Switch (JakeHoon&HeeJake)Where stories live. Discover now