Chapter 6: Adjusting to Temple Life

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Cara POV

"Are they always so formal?" I whispered to Ahsoka as Obi-Wan introduced me to the 212th and Anakin introduced me to the 501st. It felt slightly awkward when the clones addressed me as "Commander" and "sir". Ahsoka simply laughed and nodded.

After focusing on my Jedi studies and going though numerous practice sessions with Obi-Wan, I was soon allowed to accompany Obi-Wan on my first mission, which was to capture Count Dooku. Obi-Wan and Anakin went aboard Count Dooku's ship in an attempt to capture him.

"All right! All the gunners aim for Dooku's ship." I ordered the troops. "How does it look, Ahsoka?" I said over the comlink.

"My men are ready as well." Ahsoka said. "This time let's try to not blow up the ship before Obi-Wan and Anakin escape."

Soon enough, we saw Obi-Wan and Anakin hijack a ship, eventually pursuing Dooku through an asteroid field.

"Ahsoka! They are heading towards the planet Vanqor." I said.

"Alright I'll meet you there!" Ahsoka replied.

"Commander Cody, please gather some men and follow me." I told him as we went onto a smaller ship.


"I can sense them in the cave." I said, and Ahsoka ordered the men to blast the entrance to the cave. Not a moment later, Anakin and Obi-Wan came tumbling out of the cave.

"Looks like we got here just in time. You were in very big trouble." Ahsoka told them.

"What do you mean trouble? We were simply chasing after Dooku." Obi-Wan said.

"Yeah we had the situation all under control." Anakin said.

"Which part of the situation did you have under control? The blocked entrance, the poison gas, or the gundark behind you?" Ahsoka lectured.

"Gundark?" Anakin asked.
"The gundark that is too far to worry about?" Obi-Wan said.

"The gundark that's right behind you." I told him before we heard a roar.

"Block the entrance." Ahsoka and I ordered and the men blasted the rocks again.


"His only stipulation is that you arrived unarmed." Windu explained through his hologram when we went back on the ship. According to Windu, Dooku was captured by Hondo Onaka and his pirates, and Windu wanted Anakin and Obi-Wan to verify that Dooku was indeed there.

"Unarmed?" Anakin asked, surprised.

"But we know nothing about these pirates." Obi-Wan said.

"We have no choice but to agree to their conditions." Windu said. "Padawan Kelen, you will accompany a Republic cruiser carrying the spice, while Padawan Tano will provide backup to Master Kenobi and Skywalker."

"Understood." I said.


"Mesa Jar Jar Binks. Isa nice to meet yousa Padawan Kelen." Jar Jar Binks said.

"Senator Binks, you and Senator Kharrus are in charge of delivering the spice?" I blinked.

"Uh huh. Mesa feel special." the Gungan replied.

"Well then let's get going. I'm here to protect you both in case anything happens." I told him.


"We're hit!" the pilot said as the ship shook violently.

"We've been betrayed." Kharrus realized.

"Now's not the time for that. Hold on steady!" I shouted, and put a seatbelt around Jar Jar as the ship started to crash. I did my best to use the Force to slow down the ship so there weren't any casualties, but our homing beacon was damaged.

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