Chapter One : Daydreaming Fool

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It's been a week.

A fucking horrible week.

It smelled like gasoline and dead animals in this new city, and, to make it worse, you were going to school.

A public school.

At least way more public than your last, even accepting normal kids, rather than your old one.

The hundreds of people seemed to crush you as you made your way down the street, dreaming of any other place than this one.

"Hey, look on the bright side..." You mumbled, just wanting to hear your voice. "Maybe it's like a cult or something. I hope I get sacrificed to a cool demon."

Your thoughts and foolish daydreams began to consume your travel, putting you at gentle ease for the rest of the walk.

You ignored your surroundings, and let the busy days of everyone else pass by you without a thought.

Except...someone else was thinking too.

"...Something smells weird." The pink-haired male furrowed his brow together. "Is Teruhashi here? It smells like perfume...."

"Man, I'd sell my soul for someone to come and shoot me in the fuckin' head right now..." Lost in thought, you passed by him, not even bothering to glance over. "Maybe just acceptin' my fate would be easier..."

Unfortunately, he had disastrous thoughts placed inside his head.

"She's wearing my school uniform...older classman probably..." He then shrugged you off, minding his own business.


The school, unsurprisingly, also smelled like dead animals.

But, probably not from roadkill, but a severe lack of hygiene from the students. Your parents had looked into this school, seeing it was the top-rated one in all of Japan, so it was an entire mystery how they couldn't figure out how deodorant works.

"...oh, shit, here it is..." Once more, you were talking to yourself as you attempted to find the door to the new classroom.

"L/N?" There was an old teacher, standing in the middle of the class.

"Huh?" You raised your eyebrows, giving a loud exclamation.

"...Are you the new student?"

"Me?" You snapped your head around.

"Yes." The teacher looked tired.

Already five seconds in, and you had already acted like the idiot you were.


"Great. Give them a moment to settle down, and we can introduce you."




The teacher looked at you sympathetically, feeling that you'd be...a handful to deal with.

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