Chapter Eight

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After the Pierce family left, Corbin went to bed

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After the Pierce family left, Corbin went to bed. He tossed and turned and did everything but sleep, his mind racing with thoughts of Winter. Make it stop. He pleaded silently but her face wouldn’t go away. His thoughts kept going around in circles, calling up old memories from when they were young and comparing them to the look she now gave him.

Joy to betrayal. Companionship to loathing. Love to ha—

Corbin let out a loud groan and got up.

He dragged himself down the creaking stairs and padded toward the kitchen. The lights were on, making his eyes burn. He rubbed the welling tears away. Once they adjusted to the brightness, he took in the sight of Miles.

He was sitting at kitchen island, hunched over a bowl of cereal. He still wore what he’d been wearing earlier. Albeit more rumbled than before, as if he’d gone to bed without changing but then hadn’t been able to sleep.

“What are you doing awake?” Corbin asked.

Miles shrugged. “I was hungry,” As if to accentuate the fact he took a big bite of cereal. After swallowing he asked, “What are you doing awake?”

Corbin heaved a tired sigh. “I couldn’t sleep.”

Miles gave him a empathetic look, as if he completely understood. Which, Corbin considered, he probably did if he was up at this hour. The two of them fell into silence as Corbin slipped by him and pulled the milk out of the fridge.

The only noise in the kitchen became the sound of Corbin pouring milk into a cup, and the sound of Miles' chewing.

Corbin slumped down across from him with the milk and Miles gave him a slow once over. “Were you thinking about Winter?” He asked knowingly.

Corbin briefly wondered how Miles could tell but then he realized it was probably obvious; It seemed like all he thought about these days was Winter, Winter, Winter. He shook his head as if to deny it but the sigh that escaped him contradicted the gesture. “Just regretting all the decisions I’ve made in my life.”

Miles gave another empathetic nod. “I know how that feels.” He mumbled before taking another big bite of cereal, so big it made Corbin wonder if he was trying to keep himself from saying more.

Corbin studied him. “What about you? Were you thinking about…?” He trailed off, unsure whether he should finish the sentence. Even though it wasn’t complete, the question still hung in the air, weighing down on both of their shoulders.

Miles chewed slowly, so slowly it was almost too obvious he was avoiding the question. He avoided looking at Corbin once he was finished and Corbin sat patiently as he slowly struggled to answer. “No,” Miles finally said, “Like I said, I was just hungry.”

Corbin knew it was a lie but didn’t push it. “How are you holding up?”

Miles’ shrug was stiff as he looked up and finally met Corbin’s gaze. “I’m fine. You don’t have to tiptoe around me. I’m fine.” He repeated it as if he was also trying to convince himself.

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