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"Okay," Tony starts, rubbing his hands together as he enters the room.

After glancing at his phone several times, he looks up at the Avengers gathered in front of him, all relaxed as they wait for the meeting to begin. "Pepper has officially left the building for the day."

"So what's the plan now?" Clint asks, raising a brow, his arms leaning on the table as he looks at Tony.

After the announcement of the couple's engagement, Tony gathered the Avengers in the living room for an emergency meeting right after Pepper left to attend to company business.

"Well," Tony lets out a soft sigh through his nose, "I want this to be as perfect as can be, so I could really use some suggestions."

"What are we looking at?" Steve asks.

"Everything. The ceremony, decorations, date, all of it." Tony says, pacing around the room.

"Well, what do you have in mind?" Bruce asks, gently pushing his glasses up.

"Um, not sure. You know me, I like big parties but Pepper is different. I want to keep it simple but at the same time, I want to make it special for her."

"I'm sure we can work something up." Natasha says. "Leave it to us Tony. I can look up some ideas if you'd like."

"I'll help." Wanda says with a smile, Natasha returning it with a nod.

"I'll leave it to you then." Tony says with a grateful smile.

"Where do you want the wedding to be?" Steve ask, leaning his elbows on the table as he rests his chin on his hand.

"Hmmm preferably here to avoid too many reporters and...you know...just in case of an emergency." Tony explains.

He hates the idea of something happening during their special day, but given their jobs, he knows it the chances of it are more than likely a possibility.

"We can take care of preparing everything here for the ceremony." Bruce says, Tony relaxing little by little as the Avengers offer suggestions.

"Then that's settled, what about the date?"

The meeting is interrupted when Peter's phone buzzes, the boy muttering an apology as he takes it out to mute it.

Out of the corner of her eye, Vanessa glances at Peter, who is sitting a few seats away across the table, casting a worried look his way.

Before putting his phone away, Peter glances at the message, his jaw clenching as he puts it back in his pocket.

Vanessa looks at him raising both brows but he slightly shakes his head in response.

Still, she can't help but to feel slightly worried.

Moments later, Tony's phone also buzzes, color draining from his face as he looks at the phone.

"Uh, actually, scratch the date."  Tony says, pressing the bridge of his nose. "Just got called in for a mission."

"Are you going?" Steve asks.

"It seems urgent." Tony says, sighing heavily. "Pepper is not going to like this."

The group falls into silence as his statement sinks in.

"I guess for now we'll just get everything ready and we can decide the date once the mission is over."

"Mr. Stark. There is someone on the line for you." Friday announces.

OUT OF THIS WORLD [2] ✓ (AVENGERS FF) [RE-WRITTEN]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora