Chapter 29 - Cinema

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I let Megan in the house before grabbing my bag and stuffing my purse, mobile and keys in. Then I dragged her out my flat and we got a taxi to the cinema. We finally arrived and I paid the taxi driver £5 and we hopped out. While we were in the taxi I had tweeted saying.


In the taxi with @Megz123 to see Les Miserables in cinema and then have a girly day! Can't wait x'

We walked into the box office at the cinema and bought our tickets to see Les Miserables. "I'm so excited," I told Megan.

"Same, it feels like I've been waiting forever to see this in cinema." Megan laughed. "Oh do you want some food?" She asked me.

"Yeah please, I'll just have a small popcorn and a small drink please." I smiled.

"Erm, how about no. How about a large popcorn, a big bag of skittles and minsterals and then a large fizzy drink on top?" She asked.

"No thank you," I shook my head.

"I can't take no for an answer. I'm under strict instructions from Sykes." Megan pointed out.

"Oh my god, I'm gonna kill that boy." I laughed.

"Okay, can I have 1 large popcorn, 1 medium popcorn, 1 large fizzy drink, 1 medium fizzy drink, then a big bag of skittles and minsterals." Megan asked ordering. I began getting my money out to give to Megan. I didn't want her paying for it all.

"What drink would you like for the fizzy drinks? We have sprite, diet coke, coke, pepsi." The girl behind the counter asked. Megan looked at me to see what I want.

"Diet coke please," I smiled.

"Okay make both of them cokes. No diets. Cokes." Megan chuckled.

"Megannnn," I whined. She just laughed and we payed for all the stuff. I was trying to pick up everything when the girl behind the counter asked me something.

"Erm, you're Holly George right?" She asked and I nodded. "Can I have a photo with you please?" She asked and I nodded. Megan took a photo of us together on the girls phone.

"Do you have Twitter?" I asked her.

"Yeah, it's @NameIsClo," The girl smiled at me.

"Great, I'll follow and tweet you later," I told her and I began trying to carry everything to the room where the film was going to be shown. Megan was laughing at me struggling. "oi, whore you could possibly help me ya know." I said.

"Sorry it's just funny seeing you struggle," She laughed. "Oh my god, I'm gonna take a photo and upload it to Twitter." She laughed. "Smile for the camera." I heard her say.

"You can't even see my face now you've piled all your food and drink on me." I complained. I heard a camera flash and sound and then Megan took her stuff off me and we sat down in the cinema. Megan began typing on her phone. I was about to go on Twitter when I thought I'd ring Nathan and see how work was. I dialled his number and he soon picked up.

"Hey Hol, why you ringing?" He asked.

"Sykes you've gave Megan instructions to force feed me. When I next see you I'm gonna kill you." I joked.

"Please don't kill me, I'm innocent." He laughed.

"You're not innocent in my eyes. You're already not allowed kissing me until tomorrow night because of this morning." I chuckled.

"I still think that was a harsh punishment." He said still laughing.

"It's not that harsh reaallllyyyy," I said dragging out the word 'really'

"Nath you're needed in the studio!" I heard a voice shout in the background.

"I've gotta go, we'll talk later yeah?" He said.

"Of course," I smiled.

"I'm gonna miss you tonight, having the flat all to myself," He sighed.

"I'm gonna miss you more," I told him. I then saw Megan next to me making gagging sounds. I hit her arm lightly.

"Nathan, now!" I heard another voice shout.

"Nath you've gotta go, I'll ring you later," I told him

"Promise?" He asked.

"I promise,"

"Okay, I've gotta go, love you," He told me. Everytime he says 'Love you' or 'I Love You' my heart flutters.

"I love you more," I smiled and then we hung up. Then before I knew it the film started. I'm so excited to see this!!

I hope you're all enjoying the story. Don't forget to vote or comment and wow I got over 2,000 reads yesterday! :D Thank you x

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