→Special Chapter←

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(MM/DD), The day when I become the first ever Lady Heir for the Hoshino Family. The day of my birthday, the day of when I was born. And that day where my Grandma passed away right in front of me.


"(N/n), Dear.. You must listen to me carefully." My Grandma spoke, making me pause from my flower picking activity.

"Yes, Granny?" She picked me up from the grass without a word, carried me into her arms as my ruby red eyes gaze into her curiously.

"Come now, tea time is almost here. You don't want your Mama to be angry at you don't you?" She asked, her feet began to walk away from the flower garden. My favorite place, Our favorite place.

"Yeah.. she's very scary..." I whimpered, hiding my face using my small hands as she shook her head. This made the old woman giggled to my reply.

"Indeed she is, she must have gotten that from your Grandpa." She sighed, I peaked over to her now sadden expression after she mentioned about Grandpa. Oh right, I never knew my Grandpa.

We both arrived to the house just in the for the tea hour, Grandma gently placed me down on the hard wooden floor.

"Let's get you all cleaned up, while I have something to say to you." She said, we both walked inside the house hand in hand so I don't get lost in my way.


Grandma is a really kind woman, she taught me how to bake sweets, how to sew, how to read and write, and most importantly.. She taught me how to

"Now (N/n), you must remember this alright? You must be kind to others, no matter if they are a bad person or not. Everyone deserves kindness." My Grandma said, as she adjust my small (f/c) kimono, I nod my head without even thinking about it.

"My, you're not even listening are you?" She asked, slightly tighen my red ribbon making me gasp in pain.

"I'm sorry Granny.. but I promise to be good to everyone! I'll even play with them even if they are mean to me.." I said, giving her a toothy smile.

"Good, good.. Maybe someday you'll be as kind as me. Unlike your Mother." She said, mumbling to herself.

"You're all ready, Young Lady. Now remember what I told you about greeting your eldest properly, alright?"

"Okay. See you later, Granny!" I got up from the chair and began sprinting away, "(Y/n)! No running while in Kimono!" I heard my Grandma yelled, making me stop my feet as I giggled childishly.

"Sorry, I'm now walking like a lady. See?" My Grandma can only sigh to my childishness.

Me and my Grandma are close, even much closer than my mom. I'm not sure why, but my own Mom still scares me out.


I visit the playground with my Grandma today, unfortunately my baby sister cannot come with us today.. Because my Parents said so, I got angry at them for their weird grown-up rules but just gave up on it after I saw my Mom's scary glares.

Now I'm playing with a bunch of kids in the park, we were all playing in the sand castle with three other kids I met today. The first kid has long Black hair wearing pigtails on, she was also wearing a fluffy yellow dress. The second one was a male with tanned skin, he has messy brown hair with abit of yellowish in it, he was wearing a jumper shorts with a white shirt in. And the last one was a girl, she has long blonde hair, also tanned skin, and was wearing a fancy poofy princess dress together with a tiara hanging on her hair.

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