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"We shall, Ootori-san." The girl nodded, having a serious expression on her face.

"Kyoya-senpai.. who is she?" The twins asks in unison, their golden eyes were glued to the new people. The youngest twin felt something familiar from the female student.

"MOMMY!! HAVE YOU BEEN HIDING SOMETHING FROM DADDY AGAIN?!" The blonde male cried, as he clinged onto the couch where the youngest Ootori sat,
"Is he really the Host Club's King?" The red head male said, raising a brow as he pointed at Tamaki.

"Unfortunately, yes." Haruhi sighed, as she pours hot tea onto the fancy cups in front of them.

"Oh, thank you.. er..."

"Haruhi." She said, giving him a small smile.

"Thank you then, Haruhi. I'm Maki by the way!" He said, standing up from his seat then he held out his arm for her to shake. To which Haruhi shook his hand, "It is nice to meet you, Maki. I hope Senpai isn't wasting your time here.."

Maki took a quick glance at the crying blonde before making eye contact to Haruhi, "To be honest he is, but I don't mind." He chuckled.

"I told you, they are just visitors from another club." Kyoya said, as he finally pushed the blonde away. He cleared his throat to bring everyone's attention.

"Anyways.. I'm the Ouran's School Idol Club's Manager, Yoshiko." The green haired girl said, putting her right hand on her chest.

"And I'm Maki from the Ouran's Theater Club!" The red head said, as he proudly pointed at himself with a close-eyed grin.

"It's a pleasure to meet both of you!" Tamaki said, as he shook both of their hands unexpectedly. "So.. What do you need from (Y/n)-senpai?"

"I (We) want to borrow her for my (our) show this coming November/December." They both said at the same time, slowly looking at each other before both expressions darken as they began arguing again.

"I asked first." Yoshiko said, pointing at the male beside her.

"NO! I did! And what's up with you needed (Y/n)-senpai to one of your stupid idol performances! Theater Shows are more important you know?!" Maki growled, pointing back at the girl.

"STUPID?! At least we don't make some of our guest bored and asleep during our shows!" The girl replied, now glaring at him.



"Alright that's enough." Kyoya said, as he snaps his fingers together. The Hitachiin twins both grabbed the angry pair and separated them both away from each other.

"My apologies, but Miss (Y/n) isn't here right now. You might as well come back tomorrow when she's available." The black haired man said, as he pushed up his glasses. Totally unimpressed by their behavior.

".. Fine. I'll come back tomorrow, same time." Yoshiko said, as the oldest Hitachiin let's go of her. She then began walking out of the Music Room leaving the red head male behind.

"I.. I'm so sorry you all had to see that, you see we're always like this whenever we bump into each other." The youngest twin then release the man from his grip, sighing he went back to his seat with his lips forming a frown.

"By nevermind that, do you think I still have time for it?" He asks, to which the Ootori nodded his head.

"Actually we need someone to fill in for our female main character role, but sadly we don't have a member who is fitting for her.. and we're running out of time before our rehearsal starts next week."

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