Trigger, Tigger.

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*Jess's POV*
Mark and I move the girls out of the way, and you won't believe what we find.
Tigger is wearing lipstick, nail polish, a bib, a tutu, and a bow. I cannot even deal...

* Layla's POV*
"Tigger wanted makeover, Mommy!" I laugh.
"Yeah, Daddy! Him told us himself!" Hadleigh and I keep laughing.
"Oh, Layla, you got nail polish all over the carpet!" Mommy exclaims disapprovingly.
"Hadleigh Mae, what were you thinking? Ms. Jessica was so nice letting us in her house. And you choose the cat to be your canvas?"
"Daddy, I not even used the nail polish! I did his lipstick! Isn't him pretty?" Hadleigh whines.
"Yeah, Mommy, isn't him pwetty?" I ask batting my eyelashes. Mommy and Mark role their eyes.
"Layla... I think you need to go sit in the corner. 5 minutes."
"You as well, Hadleigh. OTHER corner. Also 5 minutes." Mark demands.
Hadleigh and I put on our best pouty faces. But to no avail. I go to one corner, and she goes to the other.
"Now, you two don't move until that timer goes off. Got it?" Mommy asks.
We both just hang our heads down low. Mommy and Mark step outside on the balcony. But little did they know... they've got 2 little tricksters now.
"Ugh, this is endless," Hadleigh whispers.
"I know..." I respond as I lay out on the floor. I put my feet up on the wall. "Do you usually get timeouts?"
"Nah. Usually Daddy gives me spankies. Only one or two though. His hands are really big"
"Same... I tink they being nice so dey not has to spank us in front of each other yet," I groan.
"Yeah..." Hadleigh says as she folds her arms. "Y'know... we could cry..."
"Yeah... we could. But if I start to cry, then I don't stop. And then it's a whole thing and we have to make a day out of it. Not worth it," I sigh.
"Ladies?" Mark booms. "Do I hear talking?"
"No!" We both let out. We snicker amongst ourselves.
"Hey," Hadleigh begins, "you wanna come over to my house on Saturday? We can go swimming and daddy can make hotdogs and we can do s'mores and a bonfire and all. Daddy probably gonna watch stupid football... and I never have nobody to play wiff. You could sleep over too, if you want!"
I contemplate for a moment. "That sounds like fun! But... I never had a sleepover before..." I admit.
"Oh, Baby Layla! It's okay! It's never too late to have fun! And now that we're in our 20s, we can drink alcohol! Daddy calls it my "giggle juice"!"
"That's so funny! One time, Mommy let me drink wine! And then another time at The Bahamas, I drank pina colada's!"
"Wow! You guys went to The Bahamas?! That must've been so fun!" She exclaims.
I freeze up. I feel the cold chills take over my body. The memories start to flood back. I hear the timer go off...
"Alright, babies," Mommy says, "time out is over! ... Lala, are you alright?"
"I... I think I just need a nap, Mommy," I say. I can feel my breathing get short. And I have to fight back the panic attack. Mommy soon recognizes the look in my eyes.
"Oh, my goodness! It is your nap time! It's nearly 1:00, and you haven't even had your milk yet!"
I nod my head.
"C'mon, Had!" Mark says. "Let's go on home. I think you need to get a nap in too, what with playing dress up with the cat and all." He lets out a small laugh.
"Yes sir, Daddy. I invited Baby Layla to come over on Saturday! Is it okay if she and her Mommy come sees us?"
"That's okay with me, as long as Layla's Mommy says it's okay."
I feel my chest get tight, and I know I can't hold off the panic attack much longer. Mommy sees me trying to breathe, and rushes to my side.
"Yes, well, that sounds like so much fun! I will let you know closer to that time. C'mon, Lala, let's go get you in Mommy's bed. Thank you guys so much for coming by. We look forward to seeing you soon!"
All four of us walk downstairs, and Mark and Hadleigh walk out the door. I'm frozen as I stand up against the wall.
"Layla, honey? Are you alright?" Mommy asks. My head is fuzzy. My chest is tight. And all I can see in front of me is that... that man who took me.
"Mommy... Mommy... MOMMY! Don't let him take me! Please! Please, Mommy! Don't let the bad man take me away!" I scream.

Everything goes black.

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