After Thoughts (2022)

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This is going to be a type of author's note so please feel free to just skip this if you're not interested in the "lore" of this fic (no hard feelings lol)

So that was my old Tododeku fanfic from sometime in 2019... I ended it on somewhat of a cliffhanger I know.

I actually had the whole story planned out in my head but I lost interest in writing it somewhere down the line and just never finished it, not to mention that I had also deleted my Wattpad account at that point so I felt that there was no point in writing it anymore because I wasn't planning on sharing it with an audience.

I don't know if you could tell... but I decided to create a new Wattpad account to repost my old fanfics and my rewrites of them that my friends begged me for. The rewrites are supposed to be the FULL story, so no ending at the final climax of the story.

You'll be able to read the rewrite for this fic once it's up here:

I don't know if I'll write anymore fanfiction since I'm not in any particular fandoms or have super strong feelings about any ships at the moment so my Wattpad might end up becoming unacctive– not like it was active in the first place.

As for MHA... I mostly stopped paying attention to it after the 4th season aired. TLDR: I read the manga and was disappointed with how the anime went about it, but it was kind of falling out of my interest anyhow. Tododeku is still a ship that I have, but I don't interact with any content that is Tododeku. The ship I'd say I'm most invested in at this time is Misaki x Kokoro (Bandori), but other than that I'd say maybe Loid x Yor from (SpyXFamily), Kumiko x Reina (Hibike! Euphonium), and Tohru x Kobayashi (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid).

Overall, I think that this fanfic was messy and poorly planned. The characters didn't really fit how they acted in cannon (mostly Todoroki) even though that was my goal when writing this originally. Hopefully, when I finish the rewrite I'll feel better about the final product. Also, I am aware that this fic might have some grammar or spelling errors that I didn't fix, so if you did end up noticing anything like that I apologize. Though, I didn't really go back to fix any of that stuff in the first place lol.

If you're interested in my other Tododeku fic, please feel free to check out the OG version and eventual rewrite of that as well!

Thanks so much for reading!

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