Chapter 1

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Yesterday I saw someone sitting on a bridge as I was walking to school. They appeared to be a boy, around my age, with fluffy green hair. He was just sitting there on the bridge doing nothing but admiring the view. Though, I wonder why he wasn't heading to school, as he looked to be wearing basic school attire. But today he was in the same spot he was yesterday, I wanted to go up and talk to him since I had time before I needed to head to school, but I didn't want to be a burden so I just walked past like I did the other day, just glancing at him slightly.

The school day was the same as always, homeroom, language arts, math, etc, etc... It was kind of boring, which was strange. School has never really seemed boring before. I probably just wasn't paying enough attention to the things going on around me.

It was now Friday and the guy was still there, sitting in the same spot as he always was. I started to wonder things like: Why was he there? Was he always there and I just didn't notice him? What's his name, and how old is he? Is he my age? These thoughts clouded my mind, and for some reason, I couldn't get my mind off of him. It was so weird, it was like his presence was just so sudden and I just couldn't get used to it. But it didn't bug me. That's the strange thing, it didn't bug me. As the day went on, those thoughts kept entering and exiting my head, only to have new questions enter my head and leave unanswered.

"Hey, Todoroki!" I jerked my head upwards to see who had said my name. Standing there was no other than Momo Yaoyorozu.

"Oh, hey..." I said, contemplating what I'd say next.

"Todoroki, you've been acting kinda... I don't know, off today?" She said with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Ah," I said, looking down at my food on the table, trying to think of what she was referring to.

"Are you okay?" She said with a worried tone. Honestly, I didn't know. Why was I so caught up in all these thoughts? I hadn't even talked to that guy, hell, I didn't even know he existed till two days ago.

"Shoto?" I looked back up at Yaoyorozu, kinda surprised that she had called me by my first name.

"It's nothing."


Later that day, when school was over, I went to go see if the guy was still there, though I doubted sit. I wanted to talk to him and know his name, I wanted to have my questions answered, I didn't want to be clueless to who he was. I didn't realize it but I had started to run towards the bridge I had seen him on. As I neared the bridge, I could feel my breath become uneven and heavy and my left leg started to cramp up. What's wrong with me? I thought to myself as I continued running.

To my surprise, the guy was there on the bridge. Did he even leave at all? I questioned. When I stopped to catch my breath, the guy noticed me then turned to face me.

I saw him open his mouth when he said: "I'm Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you!" It was surprising, as if he had read my mind.

Once I caught my breath, I stood up straight and looked at him. He had dark green hair and Emerald eyes with beautifully freckled cheeks. I felt as if I could stare at him all day and yet never lose interest in his features.

"I-... I'm Shoto Todoroki," I finally responded. Midoriya gave me a toothy smile. It was innocent like a child's. He held out his hand for me to shake. I took it and looked down at our feet. I noticed he was wearing a pair of dusty red sneakers.

"Are you okay?" Midoriya asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine... I just have questions. And too many of them at that," I responded.


"It's fine, you shouldn't need to worry about it. They're not important anyway," I chuckled to myself. I then saw Middoriya look down to his wrist, at what appeared to be a watch.

"...Do you want to get something to eat sometime? We can talk then... I-I-I mean if you don't want to we don't have to of course!-" He stuttered. Cute, I thought to myself.

"Sure," I said, cutting him off.


I agreed on a time, date, and place to meet up and eat at with Todoroki. This all felt weird and I didn't know why. It's not like I haven't done this before; Getting people to trust me before the slaughter. It just makes the kill so much more meaningful in the end, does it not? But that boy, Todoroki, he's different. Not like the rest. It's strange and appealing all at the same time. I just hope this kill's no different than the last, otherwise, this might be a waste of time.

I've been watching, or I guess you could even say stalking him, for the past week or so. He seemed like a good victim, someone I could get the trust of easily, but now, seeing how he treats other people, (like his classmates,) I wonder why it was so easy to set up what I did. Did I do something different? I have no idea, but if so, it sure helped.

I lied on my couch waiting for my food to be done, just sitting there on my phone, watching the time go by. "This is boring," I sighed to myself as I scrolled through more of my message feed, I noticed something was off.

"Where'd Todo's number go?" I softly mumbled. About five minutes later, I was frantically scrolling through my contacts trying to find Todoroki's number, almost impulsively tapping on every contact number I had.

"Did I delete it? I need his number," I mumbled, basically biting my nails. "Well... crap."

After a while, my hands started to shake from the fear and anger I was experiencing at that moment. Afraid I might've dropped my phone, I set it down on the living room table, trying to calm myself down when I heard the kettle whistle. I went over to the kitchen and turned the stove off and opened the pack of instant-noodles I had gotten out and poured the boiling water into the cup I had opened. "Ding!" my head shot up at the sound of my phone notification. Hopeful, I finished pouring the water and set an upside-down plate on top of the cup, and walked over to my phone to see what the notification was.

"Text message: Shoto Todoroki (03-000-0000)-..." At that, I was already unlocking my phone. I didn't even read the text, I just checked to see if his number was saved. Surely, it was, and now his number was at the top of my contact list. I was relieved, I was so scared that I had deleted his number, or even not put it in in the first place. It felt like I might've had a heart attack.

I went back to read the message he had sent, reading: "Hi Midoriya, I'm excited about our meet-up in a few days. Please let me know if the time or date doesn't end up working for you. I'd hate to be a burden if you have plans." I had to read that message at least three times before I could figure out how to respond.

I didn't want to not respond, that just seems plain rude--even for me. After a few minutes of going back and forth between my lines of text, I responded: "Sure thing! I'll definitely let you know if something comes up," and, "thanks for worrying," adding a few emojis in between lines.

I wonder what Todo's doing right now... I thought. He's probably in his room playing video games or something, my thoughts abruptly interrupted by the doorbell.

"Ah," I whispered, getting up to head over to the door.

"Izuku, are you home? Could you unlock the door for me? My hands are full at the moment!" It was my mom: Inko Midoriya, the only person I love and care for. She was the one person who helps keep whatever sanity I have left in check, and who has never abandoned me; never left me to rot.

"Coming!" I yelled rushing over to help.

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