Chapter 5

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Over the past two weeks-or-so, I had gotten to know more and more about Shoto. I started to walk home with him after school and hang out with him almost every day. I have this feeling in my chest that keeps growing whenever I'm around him and I don't know what it is. I'm finding it hard to stay on my task and not get distracted. I'm thinking I have enough information to use for a suicide note of some sort. Just something that I could use to point the blame at someone else.

As I was thinking, I heard my mom call out to me, "Izuku! Your friend's outside!"

I quickly turned on my phone to look at my text messages; "2 missed messages." "Text message: Shoto Todoroki (03-000-0000): Hey Izuku, are you doing anything?"

"Text message: Shoto Todoroki (03-000-0000): I'm going to come over to your place for a bit. If you're doing anything that I might interrupt, let me know."

I sighed and quickly rushed out of my room and over to the door. Once the door opened I was met with Shoto's face.

"Hi, Todo"

"I, um... Sorry for coming over so suddenly. I needed to get away from my old man for a bit," Shoto explained.

"It's fine. I wasn't doing anything important. And if anything, I'm sorry for not paying attention to my phone," I said looking up at him. "Do you wanna come in?" I asked.

"Sure," Shoto said thinking about something. I let him in, and after he took off his shoes, led him to my room.


Izuku's room is small. The walls are covered with posters of all sorts of comic book heroes and movie franchises, shelves with action figures, notebooks, and binders, and some sticky notes randomly placed around the room's walls. His room also had a desk with a chair and a decently sized bed; Probably a twin. Once Izuku entered his room he scrambled over to his desk and collected some notebooks and some loose papers and quickly shoved them into a cabinet hidden within his desk.

Izuku quickly turned around.

"So, what happened?" He asked me, sitting down on his bed. I walked over to the now pulled out chair next to his desk and sat down.

"My old man started getting mad about work today. It got really annoying so I left," I started. "...Hey Izuku, how are you always so composed and chill about everything?" I sighed to myself.

"Heh, must be a perk of being homeschooled," Izuku murmured. "So, do you think you'll be staying for dinner again?" He asked.

"No. If I don't go back for dinner, I'll just get take out," I replied.

"So I noticed you have a lot of notebooks... What do you use them for?" I asked.

"Lots of things. I have them labeled if you look," Izuku said, getting up on his knees grabbing a few notebooks off one of his shelves. "H.W. is Homework, same with C.W." He said pointing to each book accordingly.

"What's this one for? 'Analysis,'" I said, pointing to a notebook that he had pulled out.

His face changed drastically, from one of happiness and excitement to one of worry.

"Something wrong?"

"N-no... I must've put that up there by accident. T-the ones labeled 'Analysis' are personal use only," he said.

"... And?" I said expecting something more specific.

Izuku looked up at me saying, "It's exactly as I labeled it. I-it's for Analysis," He responded, his tone of voice mixed with both fear and annoyance.

"You can analyze things? That's really cool--" I stood up from the chair to sit on the bed across from him to get a better look-- "I've seen some people use that skill as a way to make money. It can pay quite a lot from what I've seen," I added.

"It can be quite annoying actually... Sometimes, when I'm talking to someone, I'll unconsciously start trying to read people's faces and end up staring. Though you're right, it does pay," he added.

I wonder if that's actually considered illegal to analyze someone without consent for money, I queried.

"Anyways, are you hungry?" Izuku asked, changing the topic.

"Kind of," I replied. We then walked out of Izuku's room from whence we'd come.

Once Izuku turned the corner I could hear him yell: "Mom, are you here?!" A few seconds passed... No response. Izuku sighed. "Did I scare you or something?" I must've had a startled look on my face.

"No, did I jump?"

The smaller male then patted me on my shoulder, "Ok, Shoto, since we don't have adult supervision we're going to have to be careful not to burn down the place," he joked.

"Are we making a full meal?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"We can, but I'd prefer to just have something simple," Izuku said, now by the pantry, trying to reach what looked like a pack of instant-noodles-- "Plus, you said you're not staying for dinner."

"That's true," I said.

I walked up behind Izuku, grabbing onto his shoulder for leverage before reaching up to grab the pack for him. I faced him and handed him the pack of noodles. When I faced him, he looked like he had stars in his eyes. It looked as if he were glowing.

"Shorty," I smirked at him, ruining the moment.

"I-I... Shorty? Oh come on, I know I'm smaller than you, but still," he growled as he walked over to the stove to turn it on.

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