Chapter 6

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After eating, I and Izuku ended up watching TV together. "So how much longer do you think you'll be staying for, Shoto?" Izuku asked, looking up from the Television.

"I'll probably leave for food in... What time is it?" I looked over at Izuku expecting an answer.

He looked at the clock on the wall. "It's 5:18 pm at the moment," Izuku said, looking back at me.

"So then probably around six then," I replied to his previous question. "How can you see that clock from here? I can barely see the lamp," I said.

"Is that a joke, or are you being serious? I can't tell," Izuku asked.

"No, I'm serious! I think I might need glasses," I highlighted.

"Wow, you must. I mean, my apartment is really small, or at least the living room and kitchen are," Izuku said nonchalantly.

"... Do you want me to leave early?" I questioned. Izuku looked at me with furrowed eyebrows, looking me down like he was a vulture scouting for meat. "I did show up unexpectedly after all."

"Of course not. I enjoy it when we hang out," Izuku stated, though it sounded more like a question. "I'm going to call my mom and see when she's coming home. I'll be back in a second," He said, getting up from the couch, going into what I assume to be his room.


I walked into my room to grab my phone to call my mother. As I was going to dial her number, I noticed that there was a note placed on one of my shelves that read: Hi Izuku. I'm going out shopping for a bit. I'll be back around 6 tonight. If you or Shoto get hungry, there are some leftovers from last night in the fridge. -Mom ♡. I was staring at the note blankly spacing out.

Oh, I thought.

I walked back out of my room only to find Shoto missing from where I last left him.

Where'd he go? He wouldn't have left without me knowing, right? My thoughts were soon interrupted by someone calling my name. I soon saw that the door was open. I walked outside to see Shoto petting a stray cat.

"Aw, it's so cute!~" I stated.

"I heard a meowing sound coming from outside so I came to check it out. I thought the cat was yours at first, but then I noticed they didn't have a collar on. It must be a stray. That, or the collar got lost, maybe it didn't have one in the first place," Shoto informed.

"Yeah, we can't have pets in our apartment sadly. And my mom's allergic," I added.

"So I guess we can't take you inside then. Sorry, little fella," He said, talking to the cat as he scratched and pet it's head. Shoto let the cat go, and walked back inside.

"Are you a cat or a dog person?" I questioned, as we both sat back on the couch.

"I'm a cat person myself. You?" Shoto scratched the back of his neck.

"I like both. I can't really decide," I answered.

"When'd your mom say she would be home?" Shoto asked.

"I ended up finding a note that she left on one of my shelves, so I didn't have to call. It said that she'd be home around six."

"So around when I should be going," He said, putting his arm back down beside his lap.

His hand is o-on top of mine...

"Izuku?" He said, quickly snapping me out of my trance.

"Y-yeah...?" I whispered. My heart felt like it was thumping out of my chest. I could feel my face heating up and the blood rushing to my head.

I shouldn't be feeling this. This isn't right. Why am I like this? What's happening? I think I'm sick. I'm going to be sick again and throw up in front of Shoto.

"Izuku? Are you okay? You're burning up," Shoto says, taking his hand from on top of mine and putting it on my forehead.

"I-I know... S-Shoto..." I was breathing heavier than normal. I felt as if my head might explode.

I was getting flustered over the simplest thing: Shoto putting his hand on top of mine.

"Your head's warm. You should probably go lie down. I'll leave early," Shoto suggested, as he took his hand off of my forehead. Our faces were so close to each other. From a different perspective, it might've looked like we were going to kiss.

"Yeah... I think I'll do that. Thanks for c-coming o-ov-over I guess. Let me know how things go when you get b-back home," I leaned back, almost hitting my head on the couch arm. Shoto stood up and ruffled my hair.

"I hope you get better." He then walked out the door.


After I left the Midoriya household, I saw a car pull up into the driveway of the apartment building. The person who got out of the car had dark green hair (A few shades darker than Izuku's) and looked to be about 5'3" or 5'2". They seemed to be female from the looks of the outfit they were wearing as well as their fame that their body held. When they turned around, I noticed that I knew this person. It was none other than Inko Midoriya, Izuku's mother. She noticed me looking at her and then made her way over.

"Hello, Todoroki!--"Inko walked over to me--" I would've thought that you'd be home by now. Were you just leaving?" She asked, saying hello.

"I was just headed over to get food for myself. If you had been here a few minutes earlier, then you would've caught me hanging out with Izuku," I alluded.

"Oh! Did something happen then?" She asked as she held her hands in front of her chest.

"Yes. Izuku seemed like he was starting to run a fever, and I left early so he could rest." I said, scratching the back of my neck with my right hand while my left started to fidget around with my brown jacket. I suppose I was nervous.

"I should go check on Izuku then... It was nice talking!"

"Yes... Um... Tell him my regards. Goodbye," I said awkwardly.

"Likewise," She said, now walking towards her apartment waving at me.

I wonder what'll happen if I come by again tomorrow. It's probably not a good idea, considering that Izuku might be sick, plus I think that'd be considered rude. I'm hungry... I wondered as I started to walk to my destination.

As I continued walking, someone tapped me on the shoulder causing me to turn around. It was one of my classmates, Katsuki Bakugo.

"Oi, what were ya doin' hanging by Deku's house?" Bakugo asked, obviously pissed.

"Who's Deku?" I asked.

"That green-haired nerd. Ya know him?"


"Yeah, Deku," he said.

"I was just hanging out with him. Nothing else." I started to turn back around, towards my destination. Bakugo's eyes went wide, he'd look like he saw a ghost. It was almost funny.

"Stop hanging out with him. He's not someone you want to be around." Bakugo put both of his hands on my shoulders and looked me directly in my eyes. I could tell he was being serious.

"Why does it matter to you who I hang around?" I said with an annoyed tone in my voice.

Bakugo pushed me away from him with force, almost knocking me to the ground.

"What the hell, man!" I yelled at him.

"Listen here half-n'-half. That bastard almost killed me. Had a fuckin' knife up to my throat!--" Bakugo clenched his hands into fists-- "If you don't want to get your damn head decapitated, I'd suggest you listen to me, and stop hanging out with him! He's a bloody murderer!"I was shocked. Bakugou's calling one of my only friends a murderer. He called him 'Deku,' useless and stupid.

"What the hell are you talking about? Midoriya wouldn't kill anything. He would never sink that low." I felt as if I could've punched him square in the face. I was so angry that he was saying all of this nonsense about Izuku. So I did.

I punched him.

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