Chapter 9

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After I had gone over to the Todoroki residence, I quickly ran home and greeted my mom and changed clothing, but not too soon after I had gotten home, was I on my way to go find someone. Katsuki Bakugou.

I found Katsuki hanging around the outside of some Mexican fast-food Place, waiting for something or someone in the parking lot. He was leaning on the passenger door of a black truck with white and light blue stripes painted along the outside of the cargo bed.

I crept up to the side of him, silently watching him in plain sight; just a tinny, blurry, black, disordered image in the corner of his eye.

"Hello, Kacchan~," I said. At hearing my voice, you could tell I'd frightened him.

He slowly drifted his pupils over to where my feet were planted, waving at him with my wrist. "What are you doing here, Deku? Didn't we have a deal?"

"No. No, Kacchan. No, we do not," I growled, my mouth becoming bitter and dry as I spoke. "As I recall, you recently broke our deal by talking to Shoto. As we stated when we made our deal, 'you wouldn't talk or mention me, to anyone.'"

"But he didn't believe me."

"Oh, so you did tell him something then."

"Deku, are you shitting me right now?!" Katsuki proceeded to push me away from him by my shoulders, ramming me back into a vehicle across from the truck he was standing by. "You're going to kill him! You don't really think we won't notice one of our classmates missing, do you?" Katsuki said, his sentences growing quieter and raspy as he went on.

"You broke the deal," I said." You know what's going to happen now right?" I asked, ignoring his question. I paused for a moment to process what I was saying, what I could do now. Katsuki let out a silent gasp, realizing what I meant, as I giggled to myself. My giggle soon turned into a laugh, a maniacal laugh at that. I was cackling like a mad scientist that had just made Frankenstein.

Katsuki had a look of fear and disgust on his face. He hadn't yet fully processed what it was I had just said, if he had, he'd been running. I quickly flipped my hood over my head, then grabbed the switchblade that I had been hiding in my pocket and pressed up against his throat, threatening him. The knife's metal had been stained red from other uses.

"Any last words? Words of wisdom?" I said.

He was quiet for a moment, thinking of what he might say, "...Burn in hell." I quickly sliced his throat open, gory red blood spilling out of the incision, some of the liquid spilling onto my red shoes and pants. Katsuki's corpse fell to the ground with a thud, as I marveled at the sight before me.

My hands violently shook as I crawled on top of the body, stabbing my blade into the flesh of the bloody boy below me. Cutting open the stomach of the blondie, red, warm, liquid spilling out of wherever I penetrated. My breath was heavy, and my face was warm, blushing, as I put my bloodsoaked hands back into my pockets, along with the blade.


The day after Izuku had come over to my house, Katsuki Bakugou, of class 1-A, was announced dead. His corpse was found at 11:34 pm, January fourth, in the parking lot of a fast-food joint, by three of our classmates: Mina Ashido, Denki Kaminari, and Sero Hanta. His corps had cuts on his throat, body and had damage to the side and back of his head. As of now, there are no suspects for the murder of our classmate.

When I got to our classroom, his desk was filled with letters, flowers, and pictures for him. From all around the classroom, I could hear students chattering and whispering stuff about Katsuki to one another; "Who do you think did it?" "What if it was actually a suicide!" "I bet they murdered Bakugou." "I never got to tell him how I felt..." It's terrifying that people could blame you for something so serious as murder.

"Sit down. I have something to talk about," Mr. Aizawa said as he walked in, a sorrowful look on his face. "As you may or may not know, one of your classmates was unfortunately killed yesterday, Katsuki Bakugou. This is why there are flowers, notes, as well as other things on his desk. His corpse was found by three of your fellow classmates, this is why some of you aren't in class at the moment." As soon as he finished talking, a purple-haired lady walked into the classroom.

"Hello everyone, I am Himari Yamamoto. I'm here to investigate the murder of your classmate," The lady said. "During the week, I'll be pulling each of you into a separate room to talk to you about this. If you have any information that we may be able to use, please do tell me once I pull you aside."

"Seat one, please follow Miss. Yamamoto," Mr. Aizawa said, as both him and Aoyama followed Yamamoto out of the classroom, closing the door behind them.


A few hours passed until I was finally called by Mr. Aizawa to follow Yamamoto out of the classroom. Yamamoto was almost as tall as Aizawa. She had Light purple hair, a lilac color, that faded into a white at the tips of her hair, let down with errant curls here and there. Her skin was a bronze color with a birthmark on her elbow, that resembled a beak of a bird, the color of copper.

"What's your name and birthday?" She said, pushing the door open for me.

"Shoto Todoroki. January eleventh." She mumbled back my name and birthday, writing them down on a piece of paper she had on a clipboard.

"What was your relationship with Katsuki?" She said, sitting down in a chair, me mirroring her actions.

"We were acquaintances." I started to fidget with my fingers, picking out the crud that was underneath my fingernails once I noticed they were dirty. As Yamamoto talked, I could see that she had a tiny gap between her front two teeth.

"When was the last time you saw and, or talked to Katsuki?"
"The day before his death."

"And what was that you talked about?"

"..." should tell this lady what Katsuki had told me about Izuku? If I did, Izuku would surely become a suspect... but... what if he murdered Katsuki. I had told Izuku that I talked to him, so what if he figured out what he had told me, I thought. I didn't know it, but I had started to hyperventilate, becoming unaware of my surroundings. Suddenly I felt something touch my hand making me stiffen. Looking where the object had come from, I saw that It belonged to Yamamoto.

"Mr. Todoroki. I need you to calm down and answer my questions," she said, staring me in the eyes. "Can you do that?" I nodded.

"Yeah..." I sounded, breathing out.

"The last time you and Katsuki talked, what was your conversation about?" I looked at her sighing.

"The last time we talked, we got into a fight when I was leaving my friend's house. I'm not exactly sure what we were fighting about, but my older sister and brother found me passed out on the pavement sometime during the day."

"I see..." she said, writing something down. "Who is this friend that you mentioned?" I froze up. I didn't think she would ask.

"Ughm, his name is Izuku Midoriya. He doesn't know Katsuki..." I said sheepishly.

"Is there anything else you'd like to add to possibly help this investigation?" She asked.


"Okay, please head back to your classroom and tell Mr. Aizawa to call in the next student, number sixteen."

I was soon walking back to classroom 1 - A. I felt guilty that I lied about Izuku. In all honesty, he should be suspected, especially after what Katsuki told me that day. I'll have to ask him about it on my own account, just to make sure.

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