Chapter 21

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Stirring in bed, Clay wakes as the sun burns directly on his freckled skin, his arms stretched above his head; he yawns quietly just as a spark of startle shoots through his spine as another presence stirred beside him.

George, still asleep, turned onto his side the blanket tucked under his chin, his lips parted with every steady breath- The same lips Clay touched with his own- the taste of raspberry still leaves a sweet sensation across the pink flesh.

Clay's smile grows as he sweeps a few hairs off of the brunette's forehead basking in the moment he knew wouldn't last too long. The man beside him stirs brown eyes opening to meet green ones.

"Good morning" Clay mumbles a grin tugging at the corner of his lips.

As George has stated many times in the past he hates the early mornings the man tucks himself further into the blanket rolling away from the presence of another who tried to ruin his sleep. "Five more minutes" He groans, his voice muffled by a tired rasp buried in the pillow he rests on.

Clay laughs "Oh come on now George I think there is a delicious breakfast waiting downstairs for us" the blond man coaxes grasping Georges between his warm hands Clay tugs the brunette closer he leans down his lips to connect with the soft skin of George's forehead. "Wakey wakey sleepyhead."

After much more convincing and many kisses, George's eyes flutter open a kind smile forming on his lips "Fine I'm up" he sighs "but can we stay here for a bit longer I don't want this to end" there was a hint of sadness that laced his words a worry of change and separation lingering in the air.

Clay could sense the energy knowing his heart thuds a beat of worry and so he agrees. Lifting George into his lap they cuddled close, their bare chest flushed against one another Clay's fingers softly running through thick brown locks. "Of course, I would give up all my time to be here with you."

A moment to touch one another feels close as a force tried otherwise. George and Clay lay in the same bed, whispering sweet words, sharing soft laughs, being able to let go and be with the person they wanted just at this moment because they knew past the wooden door of this room was unpredictable and the risk was not something either of them wanted to fall into.

It came to an end when Sapnaps voice broke the comfortable bubble they had created "GET UP SLEEPY HEADS!" He shouts, with a loud knock that shakes the door "I MADE SOME PRETTY BADASS FOOD!"

Slowly Clay and George untangle themselves from one another and leave the comfort of the bed. Clay finds his discarded shirt pulling the fabric over his head then proceeds to fix the mess of blond hairs that had become ruffled by the sheets.

From across the room his eyes travel to George as he stretches his arms above his head allowing Clay to witness the flexed muscles and defined waist of the other. He finds himself captivated by the beauty of the other.

"Are you just going to stand there?" George laughs, snapping Clay from his shocked and heart-eyed state.
"Y-yeah let's go" He stutters.

George nods, tossing his shirt on before opening the door leading them to the kitchen. When entering the grand corridor to the massive kitchen area everyone was already seated at the dining table with a plate of food set in front of them.

"Good morning," Clay says, taking a seat at the table, "jeez Q you look like shit" He points out to his friend that has his head resting on the table, a pair of sunglasses covering sore eyes and hair messily covered by a beanie.

"I drank too much" Quackity mumbles cradling his pounding head "why did you guys do this to me" He sobs dramatically while munching on a piece of bacon.

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