Chapter 10

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Wednesday night had come all too soon Clay drives towards the school, his fingers tapping silently against the steering wheel though they didn't follow the rhythmic sound of the quiet music and instead drummed to the nervous beating of his heart. Karl and Sapnap were cuddled in the back seat as Clay needed someone to take Tubbo to his playdate with Tommy and fortunately, the newly fiancees were available.

He pulls into the school parking lot, takes the keys out of the ignition and hops out to the humid air of Florida. Clay strides to the school's front doors Karl and Sapnap not too far behind all enter spotting a familiar blond woman just a few feet ahead.

Clay prays he goes unnoticed, but the universe had other plans and he cringes as Maria's eyes meet his green ones with anything but a welcoming warmth. Her tan heels click against the tiled floor slowly approaching Clay with a devious smirk.

"I see you finally got away from that game you always play." She sarcastically amuses, "I didn't think you would show up knowing your 'busy' schedule and all and look at that you even brought your gay friends how....disgusting" Her words were nothing but a dozen knives created to strike deep cuts into Clay's skin through the blond had become immune to the blade dulling the weapon with practiced skill.

"Have Tubbo come out yet?" He asks voice level and his expression blank a shield to mask his anger and annoyance.

Maria scoffs her piercing blue eyes roll into a glare "Does it look like he's here Clay" His name is spoken with venom poisoned with a toxin of rich acid it burns blistering deep wounds to the ones around.

Again Clay chose to be civil raising his hands in slight defence "There's no need to be rude Maria I was just asking" he knew her game well and studied each rule and trick most would consider him a master at the game.

"You can't tell me what to do anymore! also, his name is Toby so stop calling him that dumb nickname!" Her voice raises, catching people's attention and unwanted eyes staring.

Stepping closer to the woman Clay's voice drops, casting away the eyes that burn into the back of his head "He likes the name" He defends "So keep your mouth shut and stop being immature."

Maria huffs a frustrated breath of air snapping her body away from Clay silently admitting to a loss the cards dealt in the blond's favour, he wins this round though he knows the game is not over with Maria it never is.

They all wait for a few more minutes, a final bell dismissing each class, students pushing through excited to go home from such a long day. A small pair of arms suddenly capture Clay's legs "DADDY!" Tubbo beams with a bright smile.

"Hey buddy, how are you?" Clay crouches down tugging his son closer and he couldn't help the small smirk that tugs at the corner of his lips when Maria's fumed expression catches the corner of his eye angry that Tubbo had chosen to hug him first.

"It was so good Mr.Davidson let us out early for a break twice then me and Tommy played Minecraft..."The little boy rambled on about his day with a huge smile on his face explaining every single detail "and then Tom-..."

"Okay, Toby come say hi to mommy" Maria interrupted, opening her arms.

Tubbo goes silent; he steps back from his father's warm embrace and slowly enters his mother's cold one. "Hi mum," he says quietly.

Clay's heart breaks seeing Tubbo's slight frown and stiff body as it was not the type of reaction a child should have towards his mother, though Maria has always been so cold an absent ice cube with a fake smile. Clay wished he could do something about it to melt the hard ice exterior though legally Maria had the same rights as him so the man was stuck freezing until his limbs turned numb hoping the love he had for his son was strong enough to fill that small gap.

"Hey, Tubs we should get going Tommy is waiting for you" Sapnap speaks up. He also noticed the boy's uncomfortable state. "We don't want to keep him waiting"

Tubbo's eyes widen pushing away from his mom and sprinting to Karl and Sapnap "TOMMY IS WAITING LETS GO" He grips both of the men's hands tugging them towards the exit "HURRY UP"

Clay sends his friend a thankful smile receiving a knowing nod back and with those subtle motions, the couple and Tubbo leave just in time because a second later a brunette teacher appears with a kind smile.

"Ah, Maria and Clay, so glad you could make it!" George announces his presence adjusting the white sunglasses on top of his head "why don't we head to my office and we can start right away" He flashes one last smile before turning around motioning for the ex-couple to follow his footsteps

They all step into a small office. Clay's eyes wander around the area noticing a few small posters of Minecraft and other fun posters that decorate the wall. The sight made him smile, an interest they had in common.

"Take a seat and let's get started there's much to talk about"

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