Chapter 11

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George takes a seat at his desk pulling a file filled with a stack of papers out of his bag. "Now I had already briefly explained the situation to both of you and so I wanted to go over an improvement plan we can put into place for Tubbo to hopefully make this year easier for him."

Clay's mind drifted from the mumbled words around and instead narrowed to the clock's obnoxious ticking, a pen tip scratching against rustling paper. His ears ring and shake vision blurs Clay fades from reality to only be brought back a few seconds later.



"CLAY" A voice calls followed by a warm sensation placed on his knee and when Clay's eyes cast down, there laid a delicate hand thumb smoothing over the covered skin the touch melted him a forgotten sensation of another a burning hot flame of ashes.

"W-What?" Clay's voice shook a tremble covered in a thick layer of confusion, his throat rasped with deep and heavy breaths. 

The voice returned with a question "Are you okay? You're covered in sweat and look like a ghost" a sweet British accent one had fallen so deeply for.

The blond blinked, his vision restored to its natural sight though his mind still trickled with a fuzz of dystonia "What happened?" He manages to stutter out Clay's voice as distant far off ahead.

Clay could now understand the voice of George, his cheeks flush a heated shade of pink. "You zoned out or something I am not quite sure... Here, take a sip of my water" George hands him a metal blue water bottle. Clay hesitantly removes the lid with a twist and takes a long drink feeling ice-cold water travel down his dry throat.

George stands from his crouched position looking down at Clay with a worried frown. He wanted nothing more than to hug the blond tight within the grasp of his loving embrace whispering sweet words of comfort and coos of love, but he couldn't; a professional barrier standing far too tall.

"Don't mind him Mr. Davison" Maria speaks up "his ADHD always gets in the way"

"Stop Maria" Clay grunts body stiff as a board.

The woman laughs, her nails still tapping away at her phone screen "What?! you don't want Mr. Davidson to know how messed up your mind is?" A knife struck Clay's back and stabbed him with a stinging poison.

George stood shocked at her words, angered by the way they made Clay's body tense, his knuckles turning a flushed white by the tight fist his hands were held in. George clears his throat prepared to step in to conclude their not-so-successful meeting. "It is late and I think we better just all head home. I will email you the rest of the details about Tubbo's plan tomorrow."

Maria nods, collecting her purse before standing "Thank you for the information, Mr. Davidson." She leaves, her heeled footsteps becoming a distant sound while the once tense atmosphere slowly fades.

"Are you feeling any better?" George ponders the moment they are alone.

"Yeah" Clay sighs, lifting himself off of the chair to stand. "I'm so sorry about me and Maria and just everything." Clay's body drops heavy with the shame of tonight's beginning and end.

George shakes his head taking a step toward the blond before him. "There is nothing for you to feel sorry for Clay. You should not apologize to other people or something you cannot control." He daringly lifts his hand to wipe away a stray tear that falls from jade eyes "You are okay" He says softly.

Clay nods brushing back a few blond locks that had fallen over his eyes "I guess I should  go wait for my ride now" He sighs.

"Nonsense I will take you home"

"No no it is okay you do-"

"Let's go!" George picks up his packed bag before grasping onto Clay's wrist dragging the man out the office door and to the Brits' surprise there was no more protest, only a stunned expression on Clay's face the entire walk to the car.

They got into Georges's car and started to drive towards Clay's place using the address given. Driving down the dark roads both men sat in silence, though it was one of confront listening to calming music.

"Thank you," Clay says once George parks in front of the tall building "for everything George truly thank you so much."

George smiles placing a hand on top of Clay "Of course, I'm here for you if you need anything Clay"

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