"I love you… I just- I need to finish this." She approached me slowly.

"Fine… but I can't promise I'll be waiting here for you if you come back." I held myself strong.

"Wait no thats-"

"No! You have priorities, you have a list of what you want done and where your attention lies, Kara. The only problem is I don't seem to be at the top, your death and thus war take more priority over the person who loves you." I stare her down, the anger in her eyes boiling up.

"Tch, like I'm on the top of yours-"

"You are… you always have. Nothing has mattered more to me than you and you can't do the same." 

Leaving her I walk to my room and slam the door, sliding my body down as the sound of Kara leaving filled my ears. I assumed the others left when we started shouting, leaving me alone in my house. Tears paint my face as I comfort myself with a bottle of spirits, the heartbreak consuming me.

Waking in the night I'm met with thuds on my door, a muffled voice speaking as I get up. Grabbing my gun from the night stand I approach the door, hand on the handle when I heard her voice.

"Let me in… please?" 

Kara's voice was quiet. Her words slurred as she spoke, incoherent words spilling from her mouth.

"Sleep on the couch, leave for all I fucking care." I hold myself strong.

"I-i can't sleep without you." She whined.

"Not my problem, you're drunk and an asshole. Sleep on the couch." I step back, placing the gun in my dresser.

"But, I need you." She sounded desperate, her fists still slightly thudding the door.

Running my hands through my hair I fight my urge to open the door for her, angry with her still.

"Please don't leave me alone." The shadows beneath the door are now black.

Grabbing the handle I struggle with myself, letting her in will only hurt more, it'll just break my heart again. It's happened before it'll happen again.

"I don't want to be alone again…" 

Pulling the door open I found her curled up by the door, an empty look in her eyes. Looking at me she looked like a kicked puppy, a face that screamed her apology. Grabbing her arm I helped her up and lead her to the bed, sitting her down and dressing her for bed.

Taking off her shoes and coat first was easy, getting her shirt over her head and her pants off was harder. Once half naked I helped her into bed, tucking her in and leaving to my side. Grabbing my hand she pulled me down onto her side.


"Stay." She grunted.

Sighing I let myself get positioned better, holding her as she starts to drift off to sleep. Tucking strands of hair away and revving her back did wonders for her, she was knocked out In no time.

Why are you so stubborn?

Why do you fight me on this?

Why do I keep letting you break my heart?

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