Chapter 13: It's Never Over (Epilogue)

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Book 2: Family
Chapter 13: It's Never Over (Epilogue)


Sunlight poured in through the upstairs window of the Air Temple. Akira was back in Republic City. It had been five days since their victory at Ba Sing Se.

Akira blinked the spots out of her eyes and crawled out of bed. She reached into her dresser drawer and pulled out a red cotton top, but just as soon as she picked it up she changed her mind and stuffed it back into the drawer. It was her favorite outfit, but it didn't cover her lower back, where she now had that awful scar.

Instead, she opted for a red kimono. She changed out of her nightgown and combed her hair, tying it up on the back of her head. Then she put on her shoes and made her way downstairs.

Yasmin and Kinlei were sitting in the living room with Kareena and the kids. Yuan and Akari were so cute. Akira couldn't believe she was an aunt.

"Good morning sleepyhead. It's almost noon." Kareena said.

"Oh, it is? I didn't realize." Akira replied.

"Yeah, Gyatso called the temple radio a few hours ago. He and Jiansu were leaving Wu Long. They should be here soon." Kareena explained.

There was a knock on the door. Akira assumed it was them, and scrambled to open it. It was Jade.

"Hi Akira. May I come in?" Jade asked.

"Yeah, of course." Akira replied.

They sat at the table and Kareena poured them some tea.

"So Akira, I wanted to talk to you about something." Jade said.

"What do you want to talk about?" Akira wondered.

"Well, as you know, we're having a ceremony later today to declare me prime minister of the Earth Kingdom." Jade began.

"Yes, and I think it's wonderful that you've accepted." Akira said.

"Yes, of course. After my grandmother Suyin declined to help lead the Earth Kingdom following the assassination of Queen Hou Ting at the hands of the Red Lotus, she inadvertently allowed the formation of the first Earth Empire. I could not let myself make the same mistake." Jade explained.

"That's a very wise decision, learning from our predecessors' mistakes."

"Thank you, Akira. But what I came here to talk to you about is this; I'm creating a new infrastructure, and Jiansu has told me all about your passion for engineering."

It was true. Akira did have a passion for engineering, though she knew absolutely nothing about it, and had basically given up that dream after the civil war against the Empire had started, but now that the war had ended...

"He did?"

"Yes, and it would be my honor to help your dream become reality. How would you like to help me recreate the entire Earth Kingdom? New roads, railways, public water services, homeless shelters, that kind of stuff. Metal Clan style."

"I'm in." Akira replied, without hesitation.

"Great. We'll discuss further plans after the ceremony?"


The door opened, and Jiansu came in, followed by Gyatso and Jiahao.

"We're home!" Jiansu announced.

Yasmin playfully gasped. "Lookie there Yuan, your daddy is home!"

"There's my little Fire Nation prince!"  Jiansu exclaimed.

Avatar: The Legend Reborn - Book 2: Family Where stories live. Discover now