Chapter 9: The Cleansing

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Book 2: Family 
Chapter 9: The Cleansing


'Oww, my back.' Akira thought.

The beds at the Southern Air Temple were so hard. She dragged herself out of bed and looked around. Kinlei was already awake and had left the room. Her bed was neatly made. Akira looked at the clock on the wall. It was ten in the morning. She'd overslept.

"Stupid hard bed." She muttered.

She pulled her suitcase out from under the bed and opened it. Her blue winter coat was inside. She wouldn't be needing that anymore, so she tossed it aside and pulled out a red Fire Nation outfit. She changed out of her pajamas and walked out of the room. The bunkhouses were located a few hundred yards below the temple. Akira had to climb a large stairway that wrapped around the cliffside to the opposite side of the mountain. The Air Temple was a massive collection of blue-roofed buildings and spires. Taima lay outside the stables sucking hay into his mouth with Airbending like a giant vacuum cleaner. Pepper and Lefty were inside the stables asleep.

Akira walked up and rubbed Taima's belly. "Are you tired? Who's a good bison? You are!"

Behind her someone laughed. She turned to find Gyatso.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?" She asked.

Gyatso shrugged. "Pretty good all things considered. You?"

"Tired. I don't know how you Airbenders sleep on such hard beds."

"It's supposed to be better for your back." He explained.

"Somehow I highly doubt that." Akira replied.

"Have you talked to Jinora yet?" Gyatso asked.

"No, why?" Akira wondered.

"Some Waterbenders who live in a swamp are requesting assistance. They were asking for the Metal Clan, but they're not here. Luckily for them we've got an Avatar."

Akira sighed. "Well I wanted to meet up with Jiansu, but I guess we can lend a hand."

"Jiansu can handle himself. Besides, we don't even know where he is yet."

"That's true. I'll go pack my stuff."

"Don't worry about it, I'll do it for you. Why don't you go get breakfast."

Despite Gyatso's gentleman personality, Akira was surprised by his offer, but she was happy about it. She feigned a look of astonishment.

"I... love... you." She said, and kissed him on the cheek.

"I love you too." He grinned. They hugged and Akira went to eat breakfast.

Unfortunately there was no meat. Air Nomads were vegetarians so that meant Akira would have to starve as long as she was here. Oh how she would love some roast duck. She settled for scrambled eggs and rice. After breakfast she found Kinlei sitting in the courtyard.

"Hey, what's on your mind?" Akira asked.

"Nothing." Kinlei said.

"Nothing? Come on, you can tell me." Akira insisted.

Kinlei sighed. "Fine, I'm just... worried about Jiansu."

Akira laughed. "Don't be. He can take care of himself."

"That's not what I meant. You said he probably wanted me back, but what if he doesn't? I don't know what I'd do if..."

Akira interrupted. "Kinlei, he will take you back. I'm sure of it."

Avatar: The Legend Reborn - Book 2: Family Where stories live. Discover now