Chapter 2: A New Journey Begins

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Book 2: Family 
Chapter 2: A New Journey Begins


Kai stood on the deck of a cargo ship bound for the Southern Water Tribe. The air was cold as ice. On the southern horizon, a massive bronze statue of Avatar Aang stood on one side of the bay, facing the ocean. As Kai looked up at Aang's face he had faint memories of his mother, Avatar Korra. She was supposed to get a statue as well. It would've stood on the other side of the bay, also facing the ocean. Unfortunately that never came to be. Kaimana felt a little sad that his mother didn't get a statue. She made some decisions in her life that made a lot of people upset, but she did her best for the world, and for that she deserved to be honored.

The ship docked at the port and Kaimana went ashore. After spending two hours at the customs office, he began the long walk to his father's estate. Snow started to fall as he reached the front gate. Kaimana shivered, not because of the cold, but because he didn't know what to say to his father. He hadn't seen him in a very long time, and now he was dying. How could he possibly convey what he needed to? And worse, what if he was too late? Kai rang the doorbell. A minute later a middle aged man opened it.

"Kaimana, is it?" He asked.

"It is." Kai replied.

"Come with me. She's been waiting."

"She? Who's..." Kai started, but the man turned and walked away.

The man led him into the courtyard of the estate. They walked along the stone path to the house, a mansion that Kai's grandfather Tonraq had built. Korra didn't have any siblings, so after her passing, ownership of the house went to Kai's father. Kai's grandmother was still alive as far as he knew, but she couldn't bear to step foot in that house. It made her too sad.

The man, whom Kai assumed was a butler, brought him to the master bedroom, where a woman sat in a chair facing the window.

"Thank you, Pana. Leave us." She told him.

"Yes, Miss." The butler bowed and exited the room.

"Hello Kai, my name is Nalini." The woman introduced herself.

Kai guessed she was in her early thirties. She had long jet black hair and blue eyes. She was dressed peculiarly, in a Wolf Warrior's uniform. She had an old-school Water Tribe boomerang sheathed on her back and a large knife on her hip.

"You're the one who sent the letter." Kai recalled.

"Yes, your father asked me to contact you when we found out he was sick." Nalini explained.

"Why didn't you call? Would've been a lot quicker than a note." Kai noted.

"Your father gave me specific instructions to write a letter. I am not sure why." Nalini explained.

"Well, where is he anyways?" Kai wondered.

Nalini stared out the window at the ocean in the distance.

"Well?" Kai demanded.

Nalini rose from her chair, walked over to the hearth, and picked up a blue urn. Written on the urn was a name: 马科.  "I am sorry Kai. You're too late. He passed away two days ago."



'Oh Gyatso, what kind of shenanigans are you up to this time?' Akira wondered.

She had woken up early to get a head start down at the community center, only to find her dear boyfriend gone from his bedroom. Knowing him, he could be anywhere, but Akira had a hunch, and secretly, she'd always wanted to go to one of these so-called 'sporting events.' She put on a red hoodie and a black wrestler's mask to hide her identity and made her way down the long dark tunnel.

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