Chapter 11: To Mend A Wound

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Book 2: Family
Chapter 11: To Mend A Wound


A warm, gentle breeze blew softly against Yasmin's face as Taima flew gracefully through the clouds. As they neared the cave where Yasmin had first encountered Zenkai, she and Jiansu began gearing up to take him down.

"Are you sure you want to go alone? Zenkai could be more dangerous than you think." Akira pointed out.

"I know, but it's paramount that Niko is stopped before he's able to start a war. That's where you and Gyatso come in." Jiansu explained.

"Yeah, I know. But how are we even supposed to find these loyalists? Yasmin wasn't even aware they existed."

"Don't worry, I have a few ideas." Gyatso assured her.

"We're almost there." Yasmin announced.

Gyatso examined the ground. "I don't see anywhere to set us down."

"Not a problem. I'll fly us down." Jiansu said.

Akira looked down at the ground below them and grimaced. "Be careful down there. Both of you."

"It's okay Sis, we've got this." Jiansu promised.

"There's the cave. Are you ready?" Yasmin asked.

Jiansu popped open his glider. "Sure am. Hold on tight."

She grabbed onto him tightly and they flew down to the ground. They landed a few hundred yards from the cave. Yasmin looked up at Taima, who was now headed south towards the capital.

"I hope they can handle Niko." She said.

Jiansu nodded. "Me too, but I wouldn't bet against Akira. Or Gyatso. They can hold their own."

"I hope you're right. Now follow me, it's this way." She led him towards the cave.



Apparently fire spirits like places that are so hot even an Airbender can't stay cool. Who knew? Jiansu and Yasmin hiked through a field of gray igneous rock. Sharp jagged shards of black glass flanked streams of lava. Large cracks in the ground widened into crevices with unknown depths.

"Nice place he's got. How'd you end up wandering in here?" Jiansu asked.

"It was storming. I was trying to find shelter." Yasmin said bluntly.

"Okay, so where's this cave at?" Jiansu wondered.

"It's just up ahead." Yasmin forged on.

Jiansu quickly followed. "Yasmin, listen..."

"I'm listening. What is it?" She quipped.

Jiansu started to back out of having the conversation, but he felt like he needed to. "Look, I know I embarrassed you back in Zaofu."

Yasmin rolled her eyes. "Humiliated is the word I'd use."

"Right, well about that, I'm sorry." Jiansu said.

"I know. Of course you are. You're a very polite person. It's your nature to be that way. It was all my fault."

"What? No it wasn't." Jiansu insisted.

"Sure it was. I was desperate. I thought you were my soulmate, so I opened up to you and let you see me at my weakest. I told you things that you would only tell that certain person. But I was wrong. We're not meant for each other, and now I've created this awkward tension between us that will never go away. You were cool about the breakup, but I was too naive to see the truth. And now I've ruined our friendship by being too clingy. I'm so sorry."

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