Chapter 12: Siege Of The Impenetrable City

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Book 2: Family 
Chapter 12: Siege Of The Impenetrable City


After everything that had happened the past few weeks, Jiansu had hoped for some time to rest before attempting to take the Imperial capital, like a calm before a storm. Unfortunately, Nasim had gone ahead with plans to conquer Ba Sing Se, meaning that Jiansu would not get that much-needed rest. Now, Team Avatar was riding Taima towards the Earth Empire capital.

"So, what should we expect once we arrive?" Yasmin asked.

It was weird being around her now, after her revelation the day before. Jiansu tried to ignore his mixed feelings and answer her question.

"Hard to say exactly, but be ready for anything. The Empire is on the verge of defeat, so they'll have every last bit of their forces concentrated on defending the capital." Jiansu replied.

"Luckily, we won't be alone." Gyatso interjected.

"What do you mean?" Akira asked.

"Dad said that Nasim got a bunch of Imperial troops to join him. Looks like they were more loyal to their General than their Emperor." Gyatso explained.

"That can only be good for us." Jiansu noted.

They flew over the Serpent's Pass and kept heading east. A few hours later they reached the Imperial capital. Ba Sing Se's Great Wall ran for miles and miles. Beyond that, farm land stretched out as far as the eye could see. A few minutes later, signs of battle came into view.

"I think we're here." Gyatso announced.

"I think you're right." Jiansu agreed. He scanned the area for signs of their allies. A few miles away, near a broken section of the wall, was a makeshift fortification.

"There." He pointed towards the camp.

Gyatso guided the bison towards the camp. They landed near the commander's tent and dismounted. Jiansu led the way into the tent, followed by Akira, Gyatso, and Yasmin. Inside they found Jade Beifong, accompanied by Kinlei.

"Jiansu!" Kinlei said, rushing forward to hug him.

"Hey Sweetie, I missed you." Jiansu said.

"I missed you more." Kinlei replied.

"Oh good, you're here. Did you handle the situation in the Fire Nation?" Jade asked.

"It's handled." Yasmin answered.

"Great, now we can finish what we started. Jiansu, we've got a task for you."

After Jade explained their plan to Jiansu, he got into position near the middle wall.

"Everyone in position?" Bolin called over the radio.

"Lion Turtle One, affirmative." Jiansu replied.

All the others confirmed that they were in position.

"Okay everyone, hit it!" Bolin ordered.

Jiansu's eyes flashed as he entered the Avatar State. With a single blow, he brought down a large section of the middle wall. Elsewhere, teams of Earthbenders were busy doing the same thing. The rebel troops broke through the middle wall in four different locations.

Jiansu exited the Avatar State and watched as rebel troops surged through the walls. He wanted to charge in alongside them and fight, but he knew their plan depended on key individuals being used in the right time and place. He turned around and returned to the commander's tent.

"Great job Jiansu." Jade said.

"So, what now?" Jiansu wondered.

"Get some rest. You're going to need it." Jade replied.

Avatar: The Legend Reborn - Book 2: Family Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora