Chapter 7: The Eye Of The Storm

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Book 2: Family
Chapter 7: The Eye Of The Storm


"Are you sure about this, Master? We'll find Norvik soon enough. You don't have to use yourself as bait." Akira insisted.

"I have to do this, Akira. The longer he's out there the more people's lives are in danger. Besides, he'll come for me either way. It might as well be on our terms." Kaimana explained.

"Okay, if you think this is the best way then I'm all for it."

"Thank you. You should stay here with Gyatso. Nalini and I can handle this." Kai said.

"And Mako." Akira added.

"Yeah... " Kai reluctantly agreed.

The master and student hugged, and Kai walked outside of Senna's healing house where Mako and Nalini were waiting. Taima was lying on his belly nearby.

"Are we ready?" Nalini asked.

"Yeah, let's get this over with. Are we riding Amaruq, or...?"

"Gyatso is letting us borrow Taima. Akira will have Amaruq if she needs transport." Mako said.

"Sounds good to me. Let's get going." Kai said.

The trio climbed onto the Flying Bison and flew to the royal palace.

Taima landed at the top of the steps. Kai jumped down and walked towards the massive doors. He entered the building and marched right into the throne room. Several people sat at a long table inside, discussing who should take Aklavik's place.

"Halt!" The guards demanded.

"Who are you?" Someone asked.

"I'm Kaimana, son of Avatar Korra and cultural leader of Ember Island Colony. I've come to claim the throne. It is my birthright."

"I don't think so. I know exactly who you are. You are the one who challenged Aklavik to a duel, but you are not the one who killed him. You no longer have any claim to the throne." The guy said.

"Aklavik is dead, and the man who murdered him is on the loose. The throne is barren. You are in desperate need of leadership. My bloodline helped rebuild the Southern Water Tribe from the ring of igloos it was during the Hundred Year War. It is my duty, like my grandfather, and my great-grandfather before him, to lead this nation to greatness. Would you deny the grandson of Chief Tonraq this chance?"

The group at the table all looked around at each other and exchanged whispers.

"Why should we? Your mother was a failure, you did not grow up in our tribe, your father is a Fire Nation vigilante, and you are not even a competent fighter. What reason do we have?"

Kai's blood boiled. This guy just called his mother a failure. Kai wanted to knock this guy's teeth out, but he restrained himself. He took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Because I have the backing of the Avatar." Kai stated.

More whispers. The guy at the head of the table, the one who'd insulted Kai's mother (Kai figured this was Aklavik's former advisor), looked shocked.

"What are you talking about? The Avatar Cycle was broken years ago, thanks to your mother."

"The Cycle is not broken. The Avatar is here in the South Pole as we speak. I taught her Waterbending myself. She will come down here right now and prove it."

The advisor looked skeptical. "And if she really is the Avatar, what would you have us do?"

"Make me your chief. I will stop the Red Lotus, and lead the Southern Water Tribe into a new age." Kaimana said.

Avatar: The Legend Reborn - Book 2: Family Where stories live. Discover now