Chapter 2: New and Old Blood

Start from the beginning

"So, what did they say?"

Greyhound hadn't even closed the door before Ashley asked her question.

"Do you have a concept of patience?"

"No, now talk."

"They seemed receptive to the idea. At least Weiss did, which is all we need."

"Good, means we're just a little bit closer."

Greyhound shrugged.

"I think Wolf is going to need a little more than just revised missions."

"Give it time, he'll come around. He learns quickly after all."

"If we want him to ever see humans as anything else than an enemy, he'll need a wake up call. I'm working on it, but... nothing concrete yet."

The Warslaves

"Wolf's late, got any idea what's taking him?"

Spider asked it so casually, as if Viper would know just like that.

"I know he's pissed, which given who we're talking about is no surprise."

"Right, but did he need to call everyone here?"

"Greyhound's still out. So is he. Puts us at just twelve."

"You know what I mean, this is not a debriefing, this-"

"Will you shut up already? He'll tell us when he'll tell us, and that's it."

The others were spread throughout the training facility, each either in conversation with a few others, practising or patiently waiting. Fourteen Warslaves total, or sixteen if Wolf was right about the newcomers, two of which were as of yet absent. It put them, as Viper had so kindly reminded Spider, at twelve Warslaves in the facility, each armed and with access to their amulet.

It was funny, inside this facility, they were simultaneously as powerful as they could be, yet completely powerless. Dampening fields in the walls meant they couldn't use their powers to break out or teleport anywhere outside the facility, yet as long as they remained inside, they were free to use their powers to the fullest extent.

Seeing them all train together never failed to put some ideas in Viper's head. Ideas he would never say out loud, and always push down as soon as they came up. Not today though. Today he thought them over for a bit, weighed them in his mind, even though he did not yet talk about them.

"It's taking him forever though."

Spider's words made him feel like a child that was caught stealing candy, though he quickly recomposed himself. Not quick enough for Spider to not notice, but quick enough to signal to the pale Warslave that Viper did not want to talk about it.

That was not to say Spider didn't talk about it.

"We've all thought about it."

Viper looked at the other Warslave for a moment.

"About what?"

"You know what." He pointed at the roof, something they usually did to remind the others that there was always someone listening in. "I say it could be done. Quite easily, in fact."

"That's never been any debate. The question is what we would do afterwards. We've no reason to."

Spider grinned, as if he'd lured Viper into a trap.

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