13: To Kill A Demon

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The crazy one took both of Nezuko's arms in her hands, one while still handling the pistol, and pinned her flat onto the floor. "What the fuck does he see in you?! Was it your looks? I ain't seeing anything that great," she spoke with a sour tone in her voice as she felt and examined her victim's body to make her uncomfortable.

"You got some things but they're not there. Ya get it? What else is YOU DON'T EVEN TALK!! HOW?! HOW DOES HE FUCKING FALL FOR SOMEONE LIKE YOU?! BOTH OF YOU DON'T MAKE YOU FUCKING SENSE! YOU'RE BOTH FRICKIN' SHITHOLES!" Her eyes began to go wide with insanity as she begun to punch Nezuko's body out of anger each time she listed a "reason". The bruises she wish she could be able to see but it was too dark to make out each individual one.

"Both of you got to die but in my eyes the first one to go should be you. And that's what I'm here to do! Nezuko Kamado, even though I'm nothing but his ex and you aren't even Zenitsu's girlfriend I still hate your guts so much. I wish I could rip off your limbs but that'd take the fun out of everything." No matter how hard Nezuko tried to get the girl off of her, nothing would work. This person was too strong for her and even though both had injuries, the girl's were more minor than a bleeding bullet wound.

"Now let the fun begin." With the backpack close by she pulled out the noose she'd been keeping. Nezuko's eyes at the sight of it went wide with fear when she saw what it was. "Originally this was supposed to be for me but now you get to use it. Mine was nothing but a failed attempt but yours gets to be a reality," she said with that same smile as before. "Be proud that you get to use something that belonged to me. Actually, you helped a lot by moving away and making the bullet hit your shoulder. My job suddenly became easier." Heavy regret suddenly filled inside Nezuko when she said that.

Even though she wanted to fight still, she began to wonder what else there was to fight for. Her brother wasn't coming and even though she wasn't sure if he was silently killed or not, he hadn't came through that door so that meant something had already happened to him.

The insane one pulled Nezuko's arms behind her back to which to her enjoyment she let out another loud scream in pain. Sweat began running down Nezuko's face and neck from a mixture of pain and fear from her attacker. Her hands were trembling and shaking as she was being tied up but no matter what tricks she tried nothing ever worked. It was useless to go against this girl. Tears were the next thing to come rushing out at the memory of her brother and how she'd never be able to see him again. It was the last time now.

Nezuko sat on the ground crying, sitting in fear and pain as her executioner laid out the set-up. "Funny how your life can change or end in not even an hour, right? We usually learn that the hard way..." the girl spoke from above as she finished tying up the noose. "Also, word of advice, don't try and struggle out of this. It only makes everything worse." For a moment this girl almost seemed sincere to her as she spoke until she remembered what she had said before this.

"Originally this was supposed to be for me but now you get to use it. Mine was nothing but a failed attempt but yours gets to be a reality..."

"Be proud that you get to use something that belonged to me."

"I want you to die the way I should've a year ago."

In the wrong way her words could've been played out to be nice but after thinking about it, it never could be in hardly any scenario. Her executioner failed at suicide and now she was going to witness what the pain and fear of being hanged felt like.

"Suck it up, bitch. It's all your fault anyways." Her voice was back to normal, but the tone seemed different ever since she started fixing up the noose. 'Bad memories?' Nezuko thought to herself. That was probably it. Trauma in a way.

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