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So today I was supposed to release 2-3 chapters. Well... obviously that didn't happen ;-; there was a wind storm (not tornado) and so my reception was really bad and laggy so I wasn't able to write.

Then when I tried I fell asleep due to medication I'm forced to take for a while for something (some people may know) and it makes me REALLY tired so yeah.

Another thing (SO MANY THINGS T-T) is that when I was online and writing, some friends and I were saying a bunch of games.

And then later on today someone proposed to me again (not like again as if they done it before ;-; it's a different person from all the other times) and several tried to get together with me ;------; and I got 5 new Valentine's in under 2 minutes somehow so it's kinda weird ;-; don't worry, most were all there when they asked me to be...(help)

Anyways, that's what happened today and why I wasn't able to add a new chapter like I was planning on to :/ I'm writing right now though so I'll make sure to get it out as soon as I can first thing when I wake up after I fall asleep

Thank you for listening to this a/n part rant ._.

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