Pearl widened her eyes, seeing this picture. She was silent for a moment before she spoke, "Paris...Are you certain that this is the woman you saw?" She almost sounded shocked, not believing it.

Paris immediately nodded, "Yeah, it was her! I'm a hundred percent sure that it was her."

Pearl gulped down with difficulty before speaking again, "Well, this is Taylor...Ms. Kai's ex-girlfriend, who has already passed away."

Paris felt goosebumps as soon as she heard those words coming out of Pearl's mouth. This couldn't be true, right? What was Taylor doing here? Wasn't she dead already? Unless...She might be really a ghost! And she came back to hunt Paris for becoming Kai's new girlfriend!


It was already evening, and Paris was back in Kai's bedroom. She returned the cellphone back to Kai, and prepared the popcorn just like she had asked for. They were currently watching a movie together on the TV while cuddling in bed.

"AAAHH!" Paris let out a terrifying scream, and covered her head with the blanket.

Kai flinched slightly, hearing Paris' loud scream abruptly. "Why are you screaming? There hasn't been a jumpscare in the movie yet."

"I know, but it's getting freaking creepy! Why did you choose a scary movie? There's so many other good movies to watch!" Paris was trembling underneath the blankets. Watching a scary movie after finding out that your girlfriend's deceased ex might be hunting you is the worse thing someone can ever do.

"Come on! Scary movies are fun. They are thrilling and filled with suspense. We are already almost halfway through it. It's not that scary." Kai said as she patted Paris' head gently, that was still covered with the blanket.

"Okay fine." Paris pouted, and slowly uncovered her head, and continued watching the movie with Kai. "AAH! AAAHH!" She screamed loudly once again, not even a minute after. And she buried her head again back in the blanket.

"Ugh, Paris! Stop screaming so much. You are going to give me a heart attack! If you don't want to watch the movie then get out and hang out with Pearl instead." Kai scolded this time.

"No! I want to stay here with you." Paris whined, not wanting to leave. She didn't want to be alone at this hour.

"Then, stop screaming!" Kai shook her head, and continued watching the movie.

"You know what, I have something to tell you! Put that in pause!" Paris said as she uncovered her head back out of the blanket.

Kai obediently paused the movie with the controller, a little pissed, but still turned her gaze to Paris, "What is it?"

Paris decided to tell Kai all the truth. This was seriously too sinister, and she couldn't keep it to herself anymore. If she didn't tell Kai now, then she will be having nightmares from today on. She told her everything from the start, since the moment she saw Taylor this morning.

"So, you are telling me that you really saw Taylor?" Kai asked, creasing her brows. She found this too odd, but still wanted to listen to Paris.

"Yes, I did!" Paris responded, and added, "I think she is haunting me now. She might be jealous that you and I are together, or something like that."

Kai shook her head hearing this, "That can't be it."

"How do you know? I was the one that saw her. That's why you don't believe it. If it was you who saw it, then, you probably would be scared to death as well." Paris crossed her arms, letting out a deep sigh.

Kai remained silent for a while before speaking again, "Taylor and I...We used to go to the same college together. Back then, I was really in love with her. We were even able to become girlfriends. But, one day, I found out that...She betrayed me. She sold my family's information to other gangs. So, I...shot her to death. I felt like a fool for trusting and loving her. Since then, I was never able to trust anyone." Kai inhaled and exhaled through her nose, feeling like she was able to take out some weight out of her chest after telling Paris about this.

"Why did she had to hurt you so much if she was your girlfriend back then?" Paris asked, feeling her eyes tearing up. Yet, she tried to restraint the tears. The one who should be upset here is Kai, not her. She doesn't want to make Kai even more sad with her own tears.

Kai shook her head, forcing out a smile on her lips. "Taylor never loved me. She was only using me. That's why I believe that she isn't hunting you. It wouldn't make sense. She doesn't love me at all."

Paris tilted her head, "And, do you still love her?"

"Of course not! I moved on from her long time ago." Kai rolled her eyes.

Paris, "Then, why do you still have a picture of her on your phone?"

Kai, "That picture is old as fuck. It's from 2019, do you really think I will remember that I had it on my gallery? That's like one of the few pictures I had from her back then."

*Knock Knock*

The door was abruptly knocked by someone, interrupting their conversation.

When Paris heard this, she immediately got off the bed, and straightened herself in a way that she didn't look like she was laying in bed with Kai just now. They still needed to pretend to be, "The Mafia and Her Bodyguard."

"Come in." Kai said as she fixed her own hair.

A male bodyguard entered the room after getting the permission to get in. He bowed down slightly before speaking, "Ms. Kai, there was a person found in the backyard. It looks like it's someone you might know. Her name is Taylor. The leader told us to lock her up inside the dungeon of the mansion, and to inform you that she has returned."

Kai and Paris turned their gaze to stare at each other in shock for a moment before Kai repeated, "Taylor?!"


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