I saw (F/N) nodded and followed the other women. I looked at the women around here.

-The seamstress is already married. The proprietress was on the list but has been arrested in the past. I'm not trying to take any risks. I'm gonna need a lot of luck...- 

"Excuse me!" I was taken aback from the person behind me.

I looked at her. -Who is she? I didn't notice her coming behind me. Yor... Ah, Briar Yor, 27 never married or divorced. 

Dead parents and a younger brother. Nothing too bad out of the normal. Is it because of my sloppiness? Have I been taking it easy?-

"Uhm, I noticed you kept looking at me since I came in, is there a problem?" She asled. 

-What!? She would sense my stare!?- "Oh, no. I just thought that you are pretty..." I said.

"So you're complimenting my appearance?" She leaned into me.

"Uh, ya..." I nodded. "Sir..." She was cut off by Anya. "Papa! I know how tall I am! Oh, who's that?" She asked.

"Another customer." I smiled as I introduced her to the women. I looked around for (F/N) to see if she was finished.


I looked at the woman's thoughts. -A-a-a-a-assassin!?- I looked at her and papa. -Spy, assassin, and (F/N)-nee is also a spy. So cool!-

I read both papa and her thoughts again. I wrapped my hands around myself and started to sway.

"Wahhh! I'm so sad that mama's gone!" I sang. "What are you doing?" Papa asked. "I miss her so much!" I looked at both of them.

"Is your wife here?" The woman asked. "Uhm. You see, she died 2 years ago. Now I'm a single father and raising 2 daughters." Papa explained. "Uh... Where's your other one?" She asked.

Just on time, I saw (F/N)-nee walking towards us.

 "(F/N)-nee!" I ran to her and hugged her which she then picked me up. "I was only away for a little, Anya-chan." She smiled. "Ah here she is."

Papa called us over. "This is my daughters." (F/N)-nee bowed a little. "My name is Forger (F/N), nice to meet you, miss." She smiled.

"Ah, uhm, excuse me..." Papa and the assassin then brought us outside the shop to talk to us in private.


I explained to the man and his daughters about my situation. "Your pretend boyfriend?" He asked.

"Ya, I lied to my brother about having a boyfriend. I know it's a lot but I need you to come to a party with me." I looked away.

"I promise it's nothing like a scam! I'll play you back sometime else! I just don't want my brother to worry much." I yapped. "I'll accept the offer." I was shocked.

"Really!?" I asked. "Under one condition. Long story short, I want you to attend a school interview as my daughters' mother. 

My wife wanted my daughters to go to a good school and now I'm trying to fulfill her wishes! May I ask for your help?" He asked me. 

I looked at him. -What a wonderful person!- "If you think so, then I'd be glad that I can help." I smiled.

He smiled at me. "Thank you. I'll see you at the party on Saturday then." He said.

"Great." We bid each other goodbye and went on with our separate lives.

If I'm being honest, his daughters look adorable, which I'm happy to be their 'mother', even if it is for just a day.


As we parted ways with Briar-san, we headed to the supermarket. 

"This Saturday, I'll be leaving you both a home, alright? I want you guys on your best behavior and call me when you need something." Dad said.

"Stock up on peanuts!" Anya-chan yelled. "Yes, yes, alright." We then went to the cashier to pay.

"And you will get ten pent back. Ribbit." The man said. That caught my attention. -Seems like dad has a mission to do.- "Please come again. Ribbit." "Ribbit?" I smiled.

"Oh, don't worry about it, Anya-chan. Let's start to head home and prepare dinner." I said.

Once dinner was finished, we all were chilling in the living room. Dad was flicking the 10 pent he got as change before.

"Give it some time, dad. It will crack soon enough." I told dad without looking away from my book I was reading.

And just like that, it cracked open like I said it would. He looked closer at the paper the coin had inside. 

"This Saturday!?" He yelled. "Hm?" I closed the book and placed it down. 

"My mission. The plan is to strike them at 6 p.m. on Saturday." I looked at him.

"I can go for you." I said. "You can't. Who's gonna take care of Anya when we both leave? And I can't get a sitter that quick." Dad explained.

"Maybe you can bring Franky-san with you to finish the job quickly and then arrive at the party with Briar-san." I said.

Dad snapped his finger at me. "I think that would work. Good job, (F/N)." Dad smiled. "Just doing my job, dad." I smiled.

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