Bʟᴜᴇ Eʏᴇs

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A large garden was decorated with different colored flowers. It was the vast garden of Jeon's mansion. Every single man was wearing black suit and the girls were wearing white wearing froks, long ones and short, just as they desired.

A band was playing soft songs, giving a soothing yet calm effect to the ceremony. It was calm, the whisperings of the people and talking noise echoed in the garden. But it wasn't that loud enough to make the atmosphere uncomfortable or annoying. Everyone had a content smile covering their lips, making their faces shine under the sunlight.

In the midst of the low murmurs and soft music playing in the background, a handsome young man, wearing black Louis Vuitton suit appeared on the scene. His heart hammered against his chest, with his hands sweating a little from excitement as well as nervousness rushing over his figure.

He arm was being coiled by lean and slender arm of his soon to be finance, Jia. She wore a black dress, appearing unique to every girl present there. Her legs trembled as she matched the pace of Jungkook’s steps, with a pure smile covering her lips. A pure one. Which matched the feelings of her heart.

When they both entered the garden, every lip formed a wide smile and applause broke out from every hand.

They both looked  beautiful together. Like made for each other. Like God had especially created Jungkook for her. Just for her. Their souls always accepted each other. Never failed to allow the others soul reach his soul and let them connect. Their hearts were connected with every vein helping to pump the blood.

Jia exhaled a soft breath, as she tilted her head and stared in Jungkook’s eyes, only to see him already staring her back with affection and tenderness. Just how he has always seen her. Always stared her. With so much love, appreciation, and softness that it always melted her. Everytime his warm gaze melted her but in a different and unique way.

At the same time, Jimin and Taehyung entered the garden catching their breaths. They took in deep breaths, looking around, only to see everyone having their eyes focused on one particular direction; probably where the stage was.

Jimin let out a low curse, as he ran his hand through his blonde locks, chest heaving. But Taehyung? He was in awe. He took a look of the vast garden which only formed a single word in his head; elite. The decorations, the separate bar outside, a long line of tables on which different things were placed, almost half of the garden was filled with servants and maids, walking here and there.

He was snapped from the veiw, when Jimin suddenly smacked his arm, making him hiss. He frowned, and blinked his eyes at Jimin for a moment, before a gasp left past his lips.

" Fuck, damn..." He mumbled, gasping, rubbing his temples, " I need to go. I came here for the duty! " He seethed his teeth, glaring Jimin, " See, you made me late! I told you not to waste time in makeup! "

Jimin eyed him, frowning, " We would've reached on time, if you weren't drooling over the mansion from outside. You spent more than 15 minutes standing there..."

Taehyung pressed his lips, then tilted his head, muttering a little, " Whatever..." He rolled his eyes, " Now, I don't fucking know where to go and stand. Hell, " He thrashed his hands in the air, " I- I don't even remember why the fuck I came here...Do something. I don't even know anyone here.." He almost whined, which had Jimin staring him smiling fondly.

Jimin shaked his head, tching, " Like, they all are my fucking childhood freinds. I grew up with them. " He said nodding his head aggressively, before he sighed. He wet his lips, looking around in the crowd, " Let me find my mother and father, they will help us out. "

His Little Secret || Taekook Fanfic { COMPLETED }Where stories live. Discover now