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Taehyung suddenly found himself gnawing a hole through his bottom lip as he responded with a meek, "Hi."

"For a smart young man, Taehyung, you sure have made some rather silly decisions today." Jungkook's voice was tightly wound, precariously close to snapping.

Taehyung had completely forgotten all about him. And apparently, they were back to his full name.

"I'm sorry, I forgot-"

"I'm not surprised!" Jungkook cut in. "Generally speaking, cracking your head on a solid wood surface, several times, leaves the concept of remembering anything in the damn grey!"

Yeah... he was mad.

"Do you have any idea how worried I have been? I'm standing outside of his office waiting to hail a cab!"

Taehyung shifted uneasily, toying with the corner of his cardigan. "I'm really sorry; I didn't mean to make you worry. He just got caught up."

"And you couldn't have found the time to simply send a text message? I'm fine. It's two words, Taehyung." Jungkook sighed in exasperation.

Taehyung had to admit, he was in the dark here. He had no idea how to deal with this, with him being like this. He wasn't versed in 'irate' Jungkook. Before now, he hadn't even realised Jungkook was capable of being angry with anyone except his sister – he was always so nice, so easy going. He wasn't used to having to check in with anyone, which was certainly not helping his current understanding of the situation.

Taehyung didn't know what else to say.

"I know you had quite a morning, but I don't appreciate having to ask a friend to chase you down. Nor do I appreciate having to cancel an important three o'clock meeting because I didn't know whether you are lying on a sidewalk unconscious or not."

Taehyung glanced at his watch and winced.


Taehyung had to wrap this up.

"I'm going to be in Sydney for nearly three weeks, Taehyung. How can I trust-"

It was turn to cut him off. "Uh... Jungkook? I know that my timing is horrible but I have to get to class. I'm really late."

Taehyung could practically feel his eye beginning to twitch through his cell.

He didn't think 'oops' even began to cover it.

"Fine. We'll talk about this later... as well." He heard several cars honking on his end. "I'll see you little while."

"Okay. Bye," was his uneasy response as he cringingly pressed the end call button.

Errare humanum est... apparently not.


Taehyung's French professor hated him. And not because he was some random girl who stumbled into his class late, no. He hated him.

"Ah, Mr. Kim. You grace us all with your presence... at last." He deadpanned.

Taehyung didn't know how he knew his name or even how he knew of him to begin with, but the man literally went out of his way to make him feel uncomfortable for the entire hour. He fired French words and sentences at him rapidly, highlighting his hopeless knowledge of the language for all to see. When he finally managed to work up the courage to point out that he had never studied French before, hence his reason for taking the introductory class, his eyes narrowed in what he could only describe as contempt.

When our hour was up, he asked loudly that he stay behind.

Taehyung received an ear full of, 'if you are expecting preferential treatment from him, Mr. Kim, than you shall be sorely disappointed' and, 'I don't care how many outside 'friends' you may have, do not suppose for one moment that their influence will permeate his classroom walls' and his personal favourite, 'you had better buck up your ideas and change your attitude if you want to pass his class!'

SHOOT YOUR SHOT ;; TAEKOOKOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant