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I know I have been on hiatus for a while now, I apologize. I decided to take a break from social media to focus on my mental health and well-being. I had to handle a lot of things, I won't be going into details for some reasons. The good thing is that am back. Despite being on a break I still drafted out time to write new chapters for this story. Cool, right?  This means you'll be getting at least two chapters every week 🥰
Thank you so much to those who took out time to check on me, I appreciate it.

By the way, some people have been asking about the characters' facial claims and aesthetics. After the fifth chapter, it's going to be published. This is because I want you to know the characters so that remembering their faces would not be difficult. I don't know if it makes sense. But expect to see your favorite character's face claim and aesthetics soon. Sooner than you expect😉

Without any further ado, let's dive in.


<Amelia Ilebaye Bolanle>


First day at work!


The right words to describe how I was feeling were anger, anxiety, and nervousness. Maybe that’s why I didn’t pay any attention to the information my supervisor passed to me. His voice sounded like bare whispers in my ears because I was caught up in my world of doubt and unbelief.

I gazed at his emotionless face. His composure screamed professional. His frame could pass for a young man in his early twenties. Meanwhile, he celebrated his forty-ninth birthday last month.

I had arrived at his office with eagerness and a bit of apprehension. I was so thrilled to meet Mr. Bamidele, my supervisor. He was a highly regarded private sleuth, the topmost among his fellows. He was an inspiration to me. The eagerness and enthusiastic feeling that I had earlier had died as he spoke.

"As we speak, we have sent a copy of the background files of every student in that school to your system. Check it out before the end of this week," He said.

I frowned. A school with hundreds of students? Before a week? How in the world is that possible?

"Agent Kimberly would act as your senior sister throughout this mission. So accord her with the respect she deserves," he said as he drummed on the mahogany desk that separated us.

I wasn't so elated about having an older sister. I hoped she would be different.

"... As we speak, a car is waiting for you at the parking lot to take you to the airport. Before you leave, meet with Sergeant Kobe. He will give you some documents. Those documents contain your fake ID and the document to your apartment. We will be in touch with you." He said and I nodded. That was all I had been doing since I arrived at his office, nodding my head like an agama lizard. Though I had so many things to say, I had questions to ask but he never gave me a chance to speak.

"Listen," He said, his voice raising an octave high. It scared me.

"You and I know fully well that you're NOTHING. You don't have the willpower to make this mission a successful one. You CAN'T DO IT"His eyes held unfiltered, unabashed hatred as he spoke. Strong hatred.

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