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♣Unknown POV♣


Isn't school supposed to be a place where we go to learn and grow? But what happens when the school becomes a terrifying place filled with violence? And what if the ones responsible for these acts are the last people you would expect?

Granite Bay High School used to be known for its excellence in everything it did. It had a winning attitude that set it apart. However, all of that changed when fetish killings and other horrifying incidents started happening regularly.

Despite the ongoing danger, the students never even considered leaving the school for their own safety. It makes you wonder why, doesn't it? It's because the educational system in our society is deeply flawed and needs serious attention.

It is said that they automatically granted any student who finishes high school at Granite Bay High School admission to Cambridge University in Ohio State. We all know how hard it is to secure admission to this university. Now, it is being given on a platter of gold. Don't forget the multiple benefits of schooling at Cambridge Institution, one of which is you are offered a job that pays you millions of naira per month.

Everyone kept asking who the perpetrators of this evil were. Many students accused a small book club of being behind it.

The Big Ten, as they are called, are a group of ten students coming together to form a book club. This book club breeds the most intelligent sets of students in the history of Granite Bay High School.

So far, it seems like the book club doesn't raise any suspicions among most people, but there are some who claim otherwise. They believe there might be a connection between the book club and the crime. It's like a real-life mystery unfolding right before our eyes!

Now, let me tell you about undercover officer Ilebaye Amelia Bolanle. This brave young woman in her early twenties was given a crucial mission: to catch the culprits behind this evil scheme. And you won't believe what her first assignment was! She had to go undercover as a high school student to gain the trust of everyone in the school. Can you imagine pretending to be a student again? It's like a plot straight out of a thrilling movie!

But being an undercover student is no walk in the park. There's always a chance that things may not go as planned. Ilebaye knew the risks, but she was determined to fulfill her mission and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Now, picture this: what happens when one of her fellow students discovers her true identity? And what if this student happens to be a die-hard member of the book club? It adds a whole new layer of suspense and raises the question: will he expose her secret, jeopardizing her mission?

But hold on tight, because the story takes an unexpected turn. The real culprits behind the evil deeds turn out to be the last people you'd expect. It's like a twist straight out of a gripping novel!

You know, we all have our own demons to battle. It could be a painful past, a traumatic event, or a challenging situation. It's truly heartbreaking if those demons gain the upper hand. But let me tell you, it's a victory worth celebrating when we find the strength to conquer them.

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To settle any matter, it's important to hear both sides. So, before passing judgment on anyone, take the time to listen to their story. We all have our own unique stories to share, and one day we'll have the chance to tell them. But for now, let's start by understanding where it all begins.

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