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Chapter 2 is here🙈🙈😂. Yaaaayyyy💃💃

This chapter is an emotionally triggering one. So many cuss words and derogatory insults were used. So if you can't handle it, you might as well skip the chapter to the next one.

Do not skip the author's note at the end, please.

PS; This chapter might be filled with grammatical errors, so pls do well to point them out.

We begin in 5.....4.....3....2.....1

🦋 🦋 🦋


<Jasper Coker Jidenna>

Failure! Failure!! Failure!!! Failure!!! A Fucking Failure!!!

I am a failure!

I am a fucking failure!!

I was created a failure!!!

I am nothing but a failure!!!!

And guess what, nobody wants a failure for a child!!!!

As tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision, I found myself staring at the cracked mirror. It was a reflection of my inner turmoil, a reflection that seemed lost, damaged, and beyond repair. I could sense the weariness it carried, tired of the flaws and struggles of humanity, and burdened by the countless unspoken pains.

In that moment, I couldn't help but look down at the substance in my left hand. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I realized this wasn't my first attempt to escape the pain. It wasn't the second or third either. I had tried four consecutive times, desperately seeking an end to the overwhelming darkness that consumed me. But no matter how strong the substance I used, it seemed as if an invisible force was always pulling me back from the brink, back into this world I felt so detached from.

The weight of my brokenness was almost unbearable. It felt like I had been shattered into a million pieces, scattered across the vast expanse of despair. I questioned if there was any hope for repair, if I could ever find a way to piece myself back together.

It's a lonely feeling, isn't it? Looking around and seeing others seemingly functioning, their lives carrying on without a hitch. It's hard not to wonder why we can't feel the same, why our struggles seem to overshadow everything else. Even the people who once fought for us can grow weary, their support waning as they too become overwhelmed by the weight of our pain. It's a heartbreaking realization, especially when it comes from our own family.

You know, it's fascinating to contemplate the true essence of the word "family." Is it simply the union of two individuals of opposite sexes solely for the purpose of procreation? It feels like there should be a deeper meaning and significance to it.

In my personal experience, my family was far from picture-perfect. My imperfect nature seemed to ignite an unhealthy dynamic between my parents. They would engage in relentless fights, quarreling every single minute, and yelling at each other every single second. It was a constant storm of negativity that surrounded me.

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