28. Mean

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Hoseok woke up for the third time that morning, once again cuddled up to Yoongi's chest. He recalled the previous events and bit his lip in embarrassment. He couldn't believe he'd let someone down there!

"Embarrassed?" Yoongi snickered as if he'd read his mind. He responded by hiding his face in Yoongi's chest. He smiled when he felt it shake slightly, Yoongi was laughing. Despite his menacing aura, his laughter was music to Hoseok. A fraction of the time Yoongi was laughing at him but he didn't mind in the slightest. "You're so sweet, i think your cum gave me a cavity."

Hoseok whined, "Shut up."

"Now that your dirty dreams are dealt with, I've got a job to do so let's get ready."

Hoseok forgot he'd agreed to come with to the throne room but nodded, eager to be there today. Though he felt isolated down here, he didn't feel it so much when he was with Yoongi.  Their own little world formed around them whenever they're together and it makes them both think theyre meant to be. Hoseok never imagined he'd be this way with someone and Yoongi didn't think it was possible for him.

After a quick shower and getting dressed, the pair calmly walked hand in hand to the throne room. Hoseok felt shy as all eyes were on them as they entered. He shrunk next to Yoongi, who stood tall and proud.

Hoseok went to sit in his own throne but was scolded by a tut from Yoongi before being pulled into his lap. "I'm gonna keep you here like a little lap dog. You'd like that, wouldn't you, puppy?" The new name made Hoseok even shyer but he nodded, turning red. "Good boy." He looked up at everyone in the room and spoke with a booming voice. "Give me the first sinner."

In walked a disinterested man with a tired look on his face. "What are you in here for?" Namjoon asked curiously.


"Ha!" Yoongi actually laughed, "Get outta my face." What a light crime to commit down here, he felt it was a waste of time to bring him petty thieves. Still, it was part of his duty as Satan to see them. He turned to Seokjin, "Can you believe this? Pfft."

Seokjin chuckled, "Yeah, last week there was a guy who kept pushing people into lava pits. Stealing really isn't any of my concern compared to that."

Hoseok was amazed by how powerful Yoongi was. He had the power to determine your fate for eternity and he waved it around like it wasn't that great. He was so good at using it that he didn't think of it with that much weight. Someone so powerful and knows what they're doing so well that they never worry about it. Here Hoseok was, sitting in his lap.

He silently looked at the different people in the room. Namjoon seemed to have a welcoming smile and aura about him but it balanced out with a mischievous grin and gleam in his eyes as well. He caught Hoseok looking at him and winked, chuckling when Hoseok quickly looked away.

Seokjin was just as if not more mischievous than Namjoon. His whole demeanor read as fun loving and rambunctious, his soft edges and pretty lips making you feel like you were safe, which was probably a trick used to bait people considering where he currently sat. In all honesty, he's pretty spot on with that description. He's very kind but loves to mess with people and when he's handing out judgement or consequences, he's manipulative and gets you right where he wants you.

Jimin on the other hand, was hard to read at all for Hoseok. He was intimidating but whiny, it seemed he could flip a switch and change demeanor any second and switch right back. He seemed just as bad as the other two but even more so because of his past with Yoongi. It made Hoseok nervous. Yes, Yoongi said there was nothing to worry about with Jimin but Hoseok couldn't help it. They'd spent centuries together simply in each other's presence and that's got to make a lasting impact at the very least.

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