51. Take back

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"I always am!" Seokjin chirped before leaning over and whispering, "No, I'm not."

"Okay, give me the details." Donghun demanded as he walked up to Hoseok in his project room, which was almost finished. They'd spent about a month working on his 'busy work' from Yoongi but it really looked like something out of a Pinterest post. Hoseok was hunched over his laptop at the couch when Donghun leaned over him.

"W-what?" Hoseok asked nervously. "What details?"

Donghun rolled his eyes with a playful smile. "Dude! You literally told me your plan. Don't act dumb. I wanna know how it went!" Hoseok smiled and raised a brow at Donghun's interest in the escapade. "There's no good gossip around here, Hoseok. Give me that soap opera seduction!"

Hoseok giggled, "You're the second person to ask me for that."

"But am i the first to get the details?" Hoseok shook his head. "What?! I thought I was your friend!"

Hoseok laughed, "You are! That's why I'm gonna tell you a little bit. But only a little- no details."

"Oh, come on." Donghun whined, "I need to know how Jung Hoseok has sex."

"And why do you need that information?"

Donghun and Hoseok froze, eyes wide as they slowly turned their heads over to the doorway where Yoongi stood. His face was cold and stoic save for his eyebrows that were lowered in anger. Donghun was speechless, Hoseok as well but he decided he'd try to squash this misunderstanding as best he could.

"He's joking," which was true. Donghun wasn't attracted to Hoseok, he simply liked him as a friend. Unbeknownst to Hoseok or Yoongi, this was the closest Donghun was to anybody in hell. He didn't need every single detail from Hoseok, he was only messing around. Though Yoongi didn't know any of that. "He's just wondering about my sex life because he told me about his." Now that one was a lie. Donghun had never opened up about that. Hoseok simply needed a reason to make it seem okay for Donghun to want that info, and in his mind that was the perfect lie. "Friends are close and tell their raunchy stories." Hoseok defended.

With a nod, Donghun agreed. "Yeah, since we're best friends, we tell each other about that stuff."

Hoseok almost had his jaw drop. Donghun said they were best friends! Not just friends. But best friends! "Y-yeah, yeah he's right."

Yoongi hummed, "If you're gonna push him about his sex life ; find a new one." He deadpanned before turning to Hoseok with his regular bored expression. "Come with me, I need to show you something." He demanded from Hoseok. He was rarely ever like this with Hoseok. It made the mentioned feel something was up. Maybe the seduction didn't go as well as he had originally thought.

Hoseok followed Yoongi out but not before mouthing 'sorry' to his friend, who shrugged and waved it off. He knew Yoongi was like this, he always has been. He's the ruler of hell, of course he'll have his moody days.

Now in the hallway, Hoseok timidly asked, "What's up?" Only to squeak when Yoongi's arms flew besides Hoseok's head on the wall. Trapped, Hoseok could feel Yoongi's breath fan across his face and neck as he got in close and took shallow breaths like an animal. "S-something wrong?"

"What kinda question was that?" Yoongi scowled, possessive nature taking over. He scoffed, "He doesn't need to know about your sex life."

Hoseok smiled small, "Are you jealous?"

"What?" Yoongi asked, surprised Hoseok would dare to ask such a thing. "No, I'm mad that he's being so invasive. If anything, I'm possessive."

Hoseok giggled, "Well, whatever you are, there's no need to worry."

For a Friend +sope+Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ