21. Damage

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He tried to get off but Yoongi pulled him right back. "Not going anywhere, sit here and eat with me." The demand was in a soft, bored voice and it still made him fuzzy inside to hear it.

A few days had gone by and the duo had been eating in the dining hall for dinner and sometimes lunch every day. Each time, Hoseok was made to sit in Yoongi's lap. He didn't mind that at all, though he was definitely embarrassed as there were many people around, the staff not commenting on it at all. At least not to their face.

Yoongi had allowed Hoseok more freedom now that everyone knew just who he was. Right now, Hoseok was walking along a long hall with many portraits hung on the walls. One large one of Yoongi hung proudly in the center. He admired it in wonder, perplexed as to why someone so important would pick him of all humans to stay by his side.

He'd never been anybody special back on Earth, just a friendly face everyone knew but not well enough. Suddenly, one of the most powerful beings in existence just wants him at their side constantly. Hoseok was uneasy being in such high regards by someone so important, but he loved the attention and strongly liked the being in question.

Yoongi was scary he will admit, but never towards Hoseok, not on purpose anyway. He spoke with dignity and assertion, something Hoseok watched admirably. He was also very regal and a bit high strung sometimes, it made Hoseok feel puny next to him but he really liked that, too. He liked how powerful and protective Yoongi was while he himself was small and afraid. Yoongi took care of him well.

Yoongi on the other hand adored Hoseok. He liked how small and scared he was, it made him feel good to protect and care for him. He had his doubts that maybe Hoseok didn't like that, but his ego got in the way and made him be assertive anyways. It's not like he'd let Hoseok go, anyway.

The portrait in the hall looked off into the distance like the depiction of Yoongi had something better to be looking at than whatever commoner was gazing upon him. It had to be at least four feet tall. Hoseok gazed at Yoongi's likeness, smiling at how handsome it was despite not doing Yoongi any justice as he was much more handsome in real life. Hoseok reached out and lightly ran the back of his hand over what he could reach of Yoongi's cheeks in the portrait.

When he removed his hand, he gasped. He'd left a small smudge on it, right on Yoongi's cheekbone. He looked at his hand, it was a bit wet from the remnants of the fruit he'd been eating. That damn pineapple Yoongi keeps feeding him. He used the other hand to dab it away but alas more yellow juice was simply added to the portrait.

"Shit, shit, shit," Hoseok muttered frantically as he thought of what to do. He used his forearm in an effort to rub it away. It was working, but not much. "Come on, come on!" He whined and added more pressure. That was his second mistake. "Ah-!" He yelped as his arm went through the canvas and hit the wall, the rest of him putting his weight on it. "Ow!" He pushed himself back off the wall and stood with wide eyes at his mess. "Oh my god! Fuck!" He whispered, clutching his hair as he looked at the tear going through half of Yoongi's face.

He heard talking coming closer, it must've been from the next hall, and he quickly booked it to the end, turning the corner and holding his breath. The talking turned directions, getting louder as whoever was talking was walking down the hall with the portrait.

"I Don't get why he gets special treatment." One of he voices said. "I mean, he's not even that cute. Kibo is so cute and his highness Yoongi only kept him around for a month. Who knows how long until this one's gone."

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