24. Filling A Hole

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The day went as well as all the days since Ethan and Antoine came into his life. Mr. Goodman noticed the change too. Tommy spoke up more in class. No one teased him anymore. It bothered Lance and the gang. But with Ethan and Antoine on side, Tommy stayed golden.

All the talk around school referred to the big game against Lakeview High on Friday night. There were pep rallies at noon and student spirit groups everywhere you looked. Just hanging with Antoine and Ethan made him feel part of it.

"You should join the team," said Antoine as they headed for practice.

"My mom," he said.

"Think about it Tommy," said Ethan. "We sure need your size on the line."

The boys left Tommy as they headed onto the field for practice.

"What was that all about?" Kaitlin asked him as she tucked her arm in his.  

"They want me to play football," Tommy laughed. "Can you see me playing football? I'd die out there. Look at me Kait, I'm a donut short of being a cop."

Kaitlin laughed, "I thought you weren't going put yourself down anymore?"  

"Yeah. I'm just being honest."

"I'll teach you." She added, "I've been watching football for so long I know more

than Coach."

He watched the practice as usual, switching between the team and the cheerleaders, particularly Kaitlin. They both noticed Ethan getting knocked about. Antoine helped Ethan up. He turned to Coach and pointed in Tommy's direction. Moments later Antoine crossed the field and said something to Kaitlin.

Kaitlin joined Tommy in the bleachers. "Are you going to play?"

Tommy laughed and shook his head, "You want me to die, Kaitlin?"

She laughed and pointed to the spirit squad putting up banners and signs everywhere. "We've never beaten these guys, never."

"I don't think I would make any difference to the outcome. I really don't."

The team headed off the field when she spoke, "Come on." She held out her hand.

Tommy took it. She could have been leading him to his death and he'd take her

hand. "Where we going?"

"You'll see." Five minutes later the two of them stood outside Coach Dixon's office.

"Hi Kaitlin." Coach busted out of his office as if he knew they were there.

"Hi Coach. This is Tommy Johnson."

The big, gruff athletics teacher looked Tommy up and down like a side of beef. "Big enough," He mused to himself. "How about tough?" He looked Tommy in the eyes, "You tough enough, Tommy?"

"II... I don't know, Coach."

"We're going to find out. Get over to the equipment room. Get set up with gear. Get a locker and be ready to practice tomorrow." He brought his face a little closer to Tommy's, "Any questions?"

"Uh... No sir."

"Good. Three thirty sharp. Don't be late or the whole team gets laps." He disappeared into the locker room.

"Thanks, Coach." Antoine and Ethan said it together.

"Don't thank me, boys." He looked at the two of them. I don't need any mascots on this team. I expect your friend to pull his weight. I like a lineman that can sell shade, and he could be salesman of the year."

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