Transport to the Upside Down

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Nancy dropped her flashlight when they started running, so Oakley can only see a few feet in front of her, but she can see the back of Nancy and is following her. Another roar sounds from behind them, making Nancy run faster and Oakley trying to not fall too far behind. Nancy is yelling for Jonathan, why, Oakley doesn't know, but doesn't have the breathe to ask.

"Jonathan! I'm right here, I'm right here!" Suddenly Oakley hears Jonathan's voice, and then realizes the thing isn't chasing them anymore. "Just follow my voice Nancy, just follow it!" Nancy stops and looks around, "Oakley, your coming with me, I don't know how you got here but your coming out of here with me." Oakley tries to reject but doesn't know how to tell her, figuring she will tell her later she just nods.

They keep looking, then Nancy gasps and starts running so Oakley has no other choice but to follow, hoping Mike isn't to worried. They hide behind a tree, Oakley pressed up against her sister, both breathing heavily. Oakley feels Nancy's hand and takes it, Nancy squeezing right back. The stomps get closer, Oakley and Nancy both holding their breaths. That's when they hear Jonathan again.

Nancy runs for another tree, pulling Oakley along with her. Nancy gets on her hands and knees and craws through the tree, getting pulled in the end by Jonathan. "Cmon Oakley. Hurry!" Nancy sticks her hand back through for Oakley but Oakley doesn't take it. "I'll see you later Nance, I promise. I love you." Oakley hears Nancy yell at her but then Oakley is transported back to the basement with her brother looking at her.

"It happened again?" Oakley nods a yes, feeling scared and dizzy. She hasn't been hurt in that place before, what if she can still get hurt even tho she isn't there. "Did you see Will?" Oakley turns toward Mike, "No. but I did see Nancy." The face he makes, it's like confused but scared. "Don't worry, she got out. But I think she thinks I'm still in there. I'm gonna tell her when I get home. I don't even care what she asks, I'm gonna tell her." Mike nods but doesn't say anything more, and Oakley has to fight the sleep, because she needs to know that Oakley is okay.

Oakley honestly wasn't that scared of the demegorgon, why? She didn't know why, but it didn't bother her as much as it should, and for some reason she was okay with that. Around half and hour later Oakley hears a car approaching their driveway and stands up. Mike had fallen asleep, his head resting on his hand which is propped up by the arm rest on the couch. Oakley finds a blanket on a chair next to her and throws it over him, trying to keep him a little bit warm. Oakley walks up the stairs quietly, not wanting to wake anyone up.

She goes around to the other stairs to go up to Nancy's room. She waits at the door for a minute, trying to plan how to tell her sister. Oakley knocks twice, hearing a small 'Come in' before opening the door.

Oakley sees Jonathan Byers, next to Nancy talking to her. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt-" Oakley gets cut off by her sisters grip, hearing her sister sniffle. "Oh god, Oakley I thought you were dead. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to leave you." Nancy pulls away, getting a good look at her sister, tears on her face. "Yea, so I think we should talk about that." Nancy nods and turn to Jonathan, silently asking if he can stay. "Yeah he can stay, I mean this is about his brother after all." They both look at me like huh?

Oakley goes and sits down next to Jonathan, Nancy sitting on the other side of her. "So you may not believe what I'm about to tell you, but it's the truth." They both nod their heads, ready for this story,
"No interruptions. And I mean it." They once again both nod their heads.

"So, technically, Will is still alive. He's not.. he's not here though, he's in this place called the Upside down. It's like the exact replica of our world, but it's dark, and there is vines growing everywhere, it's cold like really cold. That's where me and Nancy were. Well not me really, but Nancy yea. So I do this thing, and don't ask what it is because I don't know, but I can somehow transport to the Upside Down, and I can touch things and things can see me. Oh yea, so when I went there the first time I saw Will, we actually talked and this was the day that those people said he died, but he didn't. I think, I think that's all."

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