Her name is Eleven?

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"Is there a number we can call for your parents?" Mike asks while looking down at this girl, she is sitting on the couch still soaking wet. She is wearing one of mikes jackets, looking scared and fragile. "Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?" Oakley slaps Dustin, giving him a look. "Did you run away?" Lucas asks her next, "Are you in some kind of trouble?" They keep going around. "Is that blood?"

"Guys stop it! Just let me do it." They all look at Oakley and nod. Dustin gives Oakley a quick look then clapping in the other girls face, making her jump. "She's not deaf." Oakley slaps Dustin's hand away. "Mike go get her some close to change into." He nods and goes and grabs some, Oakley slowly sits next to the girl on the couch. "We aren't gonna hurt you ok? We just wanna know if you are ok." She nods slowly.

Mike comes back with the clothes, he gives them to Oakley. "Here, these are clean," Oakley hands them to the girl. She slightly dries her face then stands up, leaving Oakley on the couch. The girl let's the jacket fall off her shoulders and reaches for the bottom of her long shirt. "No, no, no, no." All the boys stop her, Oakley chuckling in the back.

"See over there, that's the bathroom. You can go change in there." Mike tells her, pointing to the bathroom. The girl looks confused and scared, so Oakley stand up. Oakley goes to grab her hand but the girl flinches away. "It's ok, I won't hurt you." The girl gives her hand to Oakley and she takes it, leading her to the bathroom.

Oakley tries to let go of the girls hand but the girl stops her, shaking her head. The smaller girl pulls Oakley into the bathroom with her, and Oakley turns around so she can shut the door. The other girl stops the door from being shut. "You don't want it shut?" Oakley asks her. "No." Is all the other girl says. "Oh so you can talk. Ok well we can leave it the slightest bit open. And I'll turn around so you can change." The girl says "Yes." and Oakley turns.

Oakley can hear the boys talking outside the bathroom, and hums so the other girl can't hear it. After she is done Oakley takes the girls wet clothes and puts them in a laundry basket, coming out to find the boys talking about a plan. Oakley tells the girl to go sit down on the couch and she can get her some sleeping stuff. Oakley puts some chairs together, with Mike eventually helping. She finds a giant blanket and throws it over the chairs so it's like a fort, the blanket is just the right size so there is a door in the front. Oakley grabs another blanket and a pillow and puts them in the fort.

"I know it's not the best, but it's all I can do for right now. I'm sorry." Oakley turns around and sees Mike with a sleeping bad. "Here ya go, it's my sleeping bag." She takes it and puts it under her. Oakley comes and sits down next to Mike. "Hey um, I never asked your name." Oakley looks at the girl, and she pulls up her sleeve, revealing a 011 tattoo. "Is that real?" Mike asks, going to touch it and the girl flinches away. Oakley glare at him. "Sorry I've just, never seen a kid with a tattoo before."

Oakley takes over the questions. "What's it mean? Eleven?" The girl points at herself, with Oakley coming to a realization, "That's your name?" She ask and the girl nods. "Eleven okay." Mike says, trying to remind himself more then tell anyone. "Well my names Mike short for Michael. And this is Oakley, just Oakley. We have this friend who calls her Oak but no one else does. And maybe we can call you El. Short for Eleven." El nods in response.

"Um well okay. 'Night El." Mike gets up, Oakley following his actions. "Yea. 'Night El." Mike is gonna close the fort but stops, "Night Mike. Night Oakley." My eyes widen is surprise and Mike just acts normal and closes the fort. Oakley head up the stairs with Mike following. "Goodnight Mike." Oakley says as She heads into her room and falls to her bed, not even caring that she's still in her wet now dry clothes.


The toaster pops up 4 eggos, Mike slipping one in his pocket handing one of the others to Oakley. He puts his on a plate and Oakley just takes a bite outta hers, going to sit at the table. Finished before Mike even starts, even tho he's chomping down on it fast. Everyone giving him weird looks. "Slow down Mike. That's disgusting." Nancy tells him as she cuts her breakfast. "Do a lot of studying last night?" Mike asks her, making Oakley snort.

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