Should I stay or should I go

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Oakley is up in her room, trying to process everything. She is sitting on the floor, her back to her bed, staring at her ceiling. "God. I should've told them, maybe this wouldn't have happened. We could've, we could've found him. This is all my fault. THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!" Oakley screams the last part as loud as she could, not caring if anyone thinks she's crazy.

Oakley hears someone trying to open the door but they can't, she locked her door as soon as she came in. "Oakley, open up please. I just wanna talk." Oakley ignores her mom and stands up just to flop onto her bed. The noise from her door stop and she figures her mom gave up, the silence doing good for her head. Oakley grabs a pillow, squeezing it tight trying to let her anger out. When that doesn't work she flops onto her stomach and screams into the pillow, as loud as she can for as long as she can.

After a little bit of... that she sits up again. "God. I told him that we were coming, I told him we were gonna find him. Yet we didn't, and he decided to go for a swim on a freezing autumn day. What the hell, I just can't." Instead of having a panic attack this time, she tries to fall asleep. Once she is almost out, her walkie goes off. "Oakley you there? It's Lucas, Dustin is with me too." Oakley gets off of her bed, going to her desk to grab her walkie. "Yea I'm here."

"Are you okay?" Oakley takes a deep breathe, wanting to just be gone. "Honestly no. I can't believe he's gone. I didn't even get to tell him, and he's been my best friend for as long as I can remember. I just want him back, I miss him so much." There is silence for a minute, probably taking in what she had just said. This time she hears Dustin's voice on the walkie.

"I would say it's okay, but it's not. We all just lost our best friend, and not to mention the weirdo ran after you guys then ran a different direction when she couldn't catch up."  Oakleys breath catches in her throat. El, she totally forgot about El. "Omg. El. What are we gonna do, she doesn't know her way around. She has a vocabulary of a 3 year old. Oh dear lord." Oakley rants, not even caring that the other boys are at the other end listening.

"She has superpowers, I think she will be fine." Dustin makes sure she's done ranting before saying anything. "Yea, your right. But she lied to me, she lied to all of us. Like and now, Will.. Wills dead." The boys hesitate before saying anything, probably trying not to cry. "Uhm, we couldn't get contact to Mike, can you go talk to him?"

"Yea, sure. Why not." Oakley wipes her tears from her face, setting her walkie down on the bed. She unlocks her door and checks to make sure no one is around before running down the stairs, then down some more to the basement. "Hey, Mike." He looks up from the papers in his hand, Oakley takes a few steps forward to get a better look. They were drawing, probably Wills drawings.

Oakley hears some static noise and looks over, seeing El in her fort, playing with the walkie. "Omg. El. Your here, I thought. Well I don't know what I thought but wow. I can't believe your here." Oakley quickly runs over to the girl and gives her a hug, probably stopping El from breathing for a few seconds but she didn't care. "No wonder the boys couldn't contact you."

"Can you stop with the static?" Mike barely even looks up when he says that, Oakley having a pang of guilt in her heart. El turns off the walkie, for her to turn it on again a few seconds later. "Are you deaf?" Mike almost yells at her, El still ignoring him. Oakley stands up and walks over to a chair on the other side of the room from Eleven, still getting a good look at her.

"I thought we were friends you know? But friends tell each other the truth. And they definitely don't lie to each other. You made me think Will was okay, that he was still out there, but he wasn't. He wasn't! Maybe you thought you were helping but you weren't. You hurt me, do you understand? What you did, sucks! Lucas was right about you. All along."

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